Complete command list

Started by mooman, April 25, 2016, 12:31:37 PM

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Usage isn't specified when commands can be used alone.
Command nameAlternativeDescription
General commands
/rulesView the server rules
/askAsk the admins a question. Not to be used to chat to admins. Usage: /ask <question>.
/commands/cmds, /helpView an abridged list of commands.
/adminsView a list of online admins
Player commands
/statsView a player's stats. Usage: /stats <player> or just /stats to see your own
/akaDisplays up to 10 of a player's most recent previous names. Usage: /aka <player>
/reportReport a player for breaking the rules. Usage: /report <player> <reason>. Admins will receive your gamemode automatically so you don't need to include it.
/donateGive some money to a player. Usage: /donate <player> <amount>. Note that you can only give money to registered players and donations to newly registered players are limited.
Account commands
/registerRegister an account on the server. Usage: /register <password>
/changepassChanges your password. Usage: /changepass <old password> <new password>.
/autologinTurn autologin on or off. On by default.
Customisation commands
/namecolour/namecolorChange the colour of your name. Usage: /namecolour <hex code> or /namecolour <red> <green> <blue>. Use this to find a colour. The hex code is the one at the bottom.
/carcolour/carcolorSets your car colour. Usage: /carcolour <colourid> or to use two colours /carcolour <first colourid> <second colourid>. To find SA-MP car colour IDs, see here. If you don't set a colour, you will receive a random one with each car.
/skinSets your skin. Usage: /skin <skin id>. For a list of skins available in SA-MP, see here. If you don't specifiy a skin you will receive a random one every time you join.
Mode commands
/menuGo back to the gamemode selection menu
/ddJoin demo derby mode
/dmJoin Race DM mode
/edmJoin Easy DM mode.
/hdmJoin Hard DM mode. You need 100 Hunters to do this.
/afkJoin AFK mode.
/mode/idShows the current mode and ID of a player. Usage: /mode <player>
Map-related commands
/buymap/bmAdds a map to the queue in the current gamemode. Usage /buymap <name> where the name can either be the full name or part of it if only one map name contains it. Eg. '/buymap Quelle Surprise' and '/buymap surprise' both buy 'Quelle Surprise' because no other map name contains "surprise".
/pricesDisplays the current map and camper prices, which are based on the number of players currently in the gamemode.
/maps/maplistView a list of maps in your current mode. From here you can buy maps and view their top times. Usage /maps or to go directly to a specific page /maps <page number>
/queueShows a list of currently queued maps in your current mode.
DM/EDM/HDM mode commands
/autocampTurn autocamp on or off. Off by default. The autocamper is designed so that it will only buy you a camper when necessary, so it is recommended to turn this on.
/top1/t1Shows the top time. Usage: /top1 <map> or just /top1 to see the current map's top times.
/top5/t5Shows 5 top times. Usage is the same as /top1.
/top10/t10Shows 10 top times. Usage is the same as /top1.
/top15/t15Shows 15 top times. Usage is the same as /top1.
/top20/t20Shows 20 top times. Usage is the same as /top1.
/togtimesDisplay or hide during the round a table of top times. The same as pressing 2 (or MMB while spectating).
/setworldSets your world in DM. Usage /setworld <world name>. After the map starts and until someone reaches the Hunter, you will only see players in the same world as you. Joining a world that does not exist creates it.
/getworld/worldinfoDisplays your world name in the chat.
Chat commands
/pmSends a private message to a player. Usage: /pm <player> <message>. It may fail if the player is ignoring your or all PMs, or vice versa.
/rm/rSends a private message to the last player who sent a private message to you. Usage /rm <message>
/ignore/ignIgnore a specific player or everyone in the chat, PM or both. Usage: /ignore <player|all> <pm|chat|all>. Eg. /ignore all chat to stop receiving chat messages. More information about the ignore system can be found here.
/unignore/unignUnignore a specific player or everyone in the chat, PM or both. Usage: /unignore <player|all> <pm|chat|all>. Eg. /unignore all chat to start receiving chat messages again.
/togpmIgnore or stop ignoring all PMs.
/ignoresLists your ignores.
/translate/trTranslate text from one language to another. Usage: /translate <from code> <to code> <text>. The codes can be accessed by typing /translate alone. More information and examples can be found here.
/writechat/wcTranslate text from one language to another, then sends it to chat as if you had typed it. Usage: /writechat <from code> <to code> <text>. The codes can be accessed by typing /writechat alone.
Chat group commands
/gSends a global message to everyone online. Usage: /g <message>.
/joingroupJoins a chat group. Usage: /joingroup <group name>. Joining a group that does not exist creates it.
/cSends a message to your chat group. Usage: /c <message>
/groupinfo/getgroupShows group name and currently online members of your current group.
/leavegroupLeave your chat group.
Inter-server chat group commands
/joinigroupJoins an inter-server chat group. Usage: /joinigroup <group name>. Joining a group that does not exist creates it. Inter-server chat groups allows you to talk to players in the same group on our partner server, but you don't have to do that, so you can use it as a secondary chat group.
/iSends a message to your inter-server group. Usage: /i <message>
/igroupinfoShows inter-server chat group name and currently online members in both servers of your current group.
/leaveigroupLeave your inter-server chat group
Useless commands
/songPlays a song for you. Make sure your radio volume is turned up so you can hear it. Usage: /song <song name>. Eg. /song aqua barbie girl
/songrThe same as /song but repeats the song when it's finished.
/stfuStop listening to your song
/waAsk Wolfram Alpha a question. Usage: /wa <what you want to calculate or know about>
/wa2The same as /wa but gives you the result in a box instead of in the chat.