Jimmeh - Advertising (iWasted) [UNBANNED]

Started by Jimmy, November 19, 2015, 09:13:25 PM

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In-game name: Jimmeh
IP-Adress: 92.254.2X.XX
Admin who banned you: [SC]iWasted[Z]
Reason given by the admin for your banning: Adv.
Reason(s) why we should unban you: The way I was advertising another server(LMDM) isn't a good thing. My apologize, I'll never do it again. I was talking in the mainchat because everyone was complaining about the load problems + (allot) of bugs. And then I said in the mainchat that they should join [the other server] and then I advertised the server IP in the mainchat. I hope you understand for what I've done. I'm sure of it that I won't get unbanned straight away.

I hope to see your reply soon.

Goodbye, Jimmy.
