[mP]Rick - [nC]Fukkatsu [UNBAN @ 2/5/2016]

Started by Fukkatsu, November 08, 2015, 07:16:05 AM

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Nick: [nC]Fukkatsu
Reason of your ban: Adv via PM
Admin who ban you: [mP](Rick)
Screenshot: Nope

Fukkatsu is noob. can be unbanned?, its my first ban for adv  :P And ik its my fail i rlly need to think before doing someshit.


Can anyone unbanme? my admin was banned lol



I checked the chatlogs, and considering you at least: sent PMs advertising another server to 6 people, advertised the other server posting its IP and name in the main chat 3 times and multiple times you invited people to ''come [another server] because this server is shit and has shit maps'', you'll be banned for 6 months.

You'll be unbanned on May 2nd of 2016. Every time you evade the ban (join the server while being banned) 1 week will be added to your unban date.