SCiwastedZ - harassment [UNBANNED]

Started by (Rick), November 09, 2015, 01:30:20 AM

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My IP Address:
Admin who banned you: [SC]iWasted[Z]
Reason given by the admin for your banning: "harassment"
Reason(s) why we should unban you: I was joking around, and this admin is really double standards. His "friends" can insult me and act racist towards me and he lets them off the hook, but as soon as ban them he begs me to unban them and say it's not a valid reason.SC


Uhm... admins shouldn't be banning each other, you're supposed to be professional, and banning another admin is childish. Specially a ban for something that can be talked, if you have a problem with what he says, just tell him in pm to stop (well, or admin chat), I can't imagine a situation that would require a ban.
