Realy Evader [UNBANNED]

Started by Mastro, November 13, 2015, 12:51:55 AM

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Weedo are you pretty sure, em i evader, next time check who is then talk something.....
I just made new account LOL
You have no idea what you're doing at all as admin, and never does you always AFK, and when a man and should never and no, and when you should not be there, and btw i can't even play with my real nick in game...
believe me I'm not afraid of any admins is not the only server that can play, but since I have another account, because I was bored, so I changed

cheers Mastro!


Yeah so now i have to ask hackers if they are hacking, evaders if they are evading, or possible impersonating? Thats like ask a troll for help.
Anyway you are unbanned now, sorry for the inconvenience, you were using my old nickname and your IP matched in part with a banned one so it was enough to me for banning you (anyway I asked another admin before doing it, it was not abusing or whatever)

Have a nice day.