View Ban appeal

Started by View, December 01, 2015, 10:12:33 AM

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Your IPv4 Address Is:
Mode: Dm
Reason : cheater
information : any proofs?


You have some hacked tt (tops).
However if you think you have been wrongly banned you can feel free to list all "hacked tt" that you made in the hope to find an admin that you can prove you made them in a fair way.


you can ask []king[]/Rick/Hawk/
unban and i can prove it

i know reported me viper/mastro , i don't care greed's


We tested some of your toptimes, and it doesn't really matter who reported you, it matters that we tested them and they can't be reached by any other player.
You are the one asking for proofs, but in fact you are the one that has to prove that he is innocent.

I told you what you have to do anyway.


Unbanned, but still you might have some tt to prove.