Admin applications

Started by mooman, November 29, 2015, 08:37:10 PM

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Nick: Jessica

Country: Bosnia & Herzegovima

How old are you: 23

Score: 5-6k

Activiy: Well, ofcourse to help new players

Languages: English

Most played modes: Deatchmatch / Easy Deathmatch

Why do you want to become an admin:   
Well, As you see admins here are less. So I decided to be an admin to help, new players including ban the Hackers / RuleBreaker

MR. Gain

Nick: [CRO]Jopy
How old or you: 19
Score: 3k+
Activiy: Well i'm active on server everyday(+4Hour) , reporting players helping admins etc,
Languages:English and Germany(not much good), CROATIAN(EX YU)
Most played modes: DD/DM easy /edm
Why do you want to becone an admin:   
Cuz i want help to server with  bad player (haxer) i like play in night time so :)


In game name : nC.Vic
Real Name : Ahmad
Age : 18
Languages : Arabic and English
Country : Saudi Arabia
Rate you English out of 10 : (8/10)
The activity in the Server : i play 6-8 hours every day thats on the weekend and the holidays, in school days normaly i play 3 to 4 hours
Do you have experience as admin ? : Yes i've been admin on a lot of servers
Why do you want to be an admin : Its really great to part of this awesome community and i have a lot of experience and knowladge to be an admin and it would be nice to help the other admins and the players
About yourself : Im Ahmad and im from KSA and im 18 years old, i've been playing samp since 2011, i have a lot of experience in servers, i played all types of servers


Ingame name : DriftY.S.

Age: 13

Timezone (GMT):(GMT +05:00)

How long have you been playing in Strawberries?: Well not to lie.. I just joined Strawberries DD/Dm about 1 week ago.. Actually i couldn't find this server thats why i couldn't join it but 1 week ago i just goggled "Samp DD/DM server" and i found this server and when i found this server i found that this server is similar to ND, And so now i play this server everyday....

Why do you want to become an admin : Well, First of all, I would like to introduce myself.. I'm from Pakistan...I am 13 years old...I like to play cricket and football...I play samp about 4-5 hours in a day.. And when I play samp, I always play this server... To be honest.. I never cheated in samp, infact i dont even know how to cheat xD... I would like to be a staff member of Strawberries DD/DM, Any rank, Any positon, But i want to help this server develop... In my opinion, I'm well suited for the rank of an admin becuz am mature, respectful and etc... Soo, This is the end.. I will wait for your final decision and i hope you will accept my application :)

Any past experience?: Yeah... I was an owner of my own server in samp but my friends betrayed me and took my server and evrything... I also have a very good experience in managing and developing a server

Are you able to work in a team?:Yes,I will do my best to cooperate with them.....

Are you only here for admin?:No,as I said that i'm here to help the server develop to be a big server, I would like to be a staff member of Strawberries DD/DM..

What would you do as an Admin?:As an admin,I will help punish hackers and abusers in game (like kicking or muting them) and I will continue help players with all I can when I'm online and at the forums, I will help this server by posting some suggestions etc.. or post some bugs...

Able to be active in a day (how long)?: I'm usually play samp for about 3-4 hours in a day.. and I always play Strawberries DD/DM when i play samp because I like doing some cool tricks and stunts etc...



In game name:[nC]Dr4gZ.
Activity: 5-6hrs per day

Most played mode:DM
Languages: English,Arabic,Hindi
Why do you want to become a admin: Well i want to know ppl more by helping them out,There are a lot of abusers,campers,hackers,etc,and i would love to help the sever get rid of them!If i were to become admin the first thing on my list would be serving the people who are playing on the sever and then would come playing..,I would love to help the sever in getting more dd/ dm/edm maps! and also fix any bugs if found :]
Thank you!


Languages : English,Indonessian
Scores : 20k+
Why do you want to become a admin:To help others more further by reading reports, Banning hackers and I'd like to join SB staff team of Admins, As these aren't my only reasons, I've got more like to lend the SB Staff a little hand by helping them.

-Jason AKA DeLL


Nick: LastShot
Country: Turkey/Erzurum
How old or you:[/b] 17
Score: 5ok+
Activiy: Well i'm active on server everyday, reporting players helping admins etc
Languages: Turkish,English and Germany(not much good)
Most played modes: DD/DM
Why do you want to becone an admin:First of all i'm respecting all rules /players/admins etc, i'm trying to be friendly with them, and I do my bestto help the server as much as necessary, applying every bug related server and now I want to some opportunities, to become admin to worry even more, although I worry enough without admin positions, but sometimes some players come when no admins, break the rules and used some shit like that so i can learn, i am always online any admins online, that they be banned, and so that's why I applied - Sorry if not good English, but at least something can understand what I was saying


Country: Pakistan
How old are you:[/b] 12
Score: about 8 thousand something ( it will increase and it is less cuz i just started my account)
Activiy: Well i'm active on server everyday, reporting players helping admins making jokes ( just 4 fun ) etc,
Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Language of "F" ( more commonly used in Urdu )
Most played modes: DD/DM
Why do you want to becone an admin: Ehm.First of all i'm respecting all rules /players/admins etc, i'm trying to be friendly with them, and I do my best to help the server as much as necessary, applying every bug related server and now I want to have some opportunities, to become admin to worry even more, although I worry enough without admin positions, but sometimes some players come when no admins, break the rules and swear and like that so i can learn, i am always online every day, and so that's why I applied - Sorry if not good English, but at least someone can understand what I was saying


Nick:  wathefuk
Country: Bosnian/Herzegovina
How old or you:[/b] 17
Score: 1k
Activiy: I know how things work the proper way.
Languages: German, Balkan, English
Most played modes: DD/DM
Why do you want to become an admin: I saw some bad admins online like PIA, thats all.


Quote from: DriftStyle on March 25, 2016, 11:57:43 AM
What would you do as an Admin?:As an admin,I will help punish hackers and abusers in game (like kicking or muting them) and I will continue help players with all I can when I'm online and at the forums, I will help this server by posting some suggestions etc.. or post some bugs...

Quote from: ShankZ on December 14, 2015, 07:53:06 AM
What would you do as an Admin?:As an admin,I will help punish hackers and abusers in game (like kicking or muting them) and I will continue help players with all I can when I'm online and here in the forums and I will be do my best to be a much mature admin,I will also try to think good suggestions for the server.

Duhh...I will modify my application then..


Ingame Nick: hoLMi[413]

How old i am: 17

Country: Germany

Language(s): German and English, both good enough to communicate with

What about my activiy: I'm playing everyday, at least 1 hour, sometimes more

Favorite Mode(s): EDM / Derby / DD (sometimes, not that often)

That's why i'm the right Admin: Because i want to help everybody, more as i already do. Otherwise im a friendly and respectful person, that also understands some fun. And also im playing on DD/DM Serves for a long time now.

PS: I dont really know what to write her, if u got some questions, feel free to ask me ;)



Hello and Welocme to my Admin Application.

My Name is Mastro, i'm 20 Years old and I'm on Strawberries since the beginning of this Server, every day i see many Hackers, also people which need help. I really like to help people like i do it already every day.
But the real Reason why i want to be a Admin ist that i want to help the Players even more.
As i already said i see many Hackers on this server which didnt get caught, specially at night.
I just want to say i would like to get a chance to show that I like to help people.

Greetings Mastro


Quote from: Mastro on April 25, 2016, 12:21:38 PM
Hello and Welocme to my Admin Application.

My Name is Mastro, i'm 20 Years old and I'm on Strawberries since the beginning of this Server, every day i see many Hackers, also people which need help. I really like to help people like i do it already every day.
But the real Reason why i want to be a Admin ist that i want to help the Players even more.
As i already said i see many Hackers on this server which didnt get caught, specially at night.
I just want to say i would like to get a chance to show that I like to help people.

Greetings Mastro

You did not support the server in difficult times though? You decided to go to the other server and complained that this server was dead


dude i will always stay here on SB, cause i'm playing here since open so i respect all rules, admins , whole community why do u even ruin my application, Even when EG/XC was opened, i was the only player wich was stay on SB!

When Whole admin team was on each server while i was rounded with cheaters, because I could not do anything about it and I just ignored them, and presented a report on the forum, Because I did not want to play alone but I still did it and did not mention any other server on which I should be admin or not because I'm on this server from the beginning of when it began to function properly,I will never leave this server wich i like this server and appreciate what these guys are doing this but you do not understand some of the things I have said the same words to mooman on start, this server is gonna work perfectly they are trying to fix all maps or smth less. As for me, I do not have to get an admin but I will always be there to help with anything, because I promised maybe someone hates me or is completely not interested, although he would like to correct these things I've done some

Peace i'm done here !


"Blacky: I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL."

This post is not server advertisement? I dont care if you were talking on behalf of someone else.

Ok, bye.