Admin applications

Started by mooman, November 29, 2015, 08:37:10 PM

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1. You typed it also in a post.
2. Do you see the word clan in the post? No. Do you see the word server in the post? Yes.

My English is pretty on point also. My final words on this topic, so goodbye.


QuoteBlacky: I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL. 


+ Check my last post about urL clan.

Next time read carefully before application

What the fuck are you talking about? You said THIS server which means Strawberries DM since you posted it on THIS forums.
Anyway I wont discuss anything with you over here so you can contact me via PM's to make it clear.


Quote from: Mastro on November 30, 2015, 12:10:37 PM
Blacky: I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL. 


+ Check my last post about urL clan.

Next time read carefully before application

He Quoted that what BlackY wrote, cause someone applied for this Clan.

Quote from: BlackY on October 29, 2015, 09:46:42 PM
I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL.


Honored players which are being so good and helping urL with a lot of things

Mastro ( thaks for everything for holding this clan alive good luck in life, i hope we will meet in RL )
Spy ( Good luck with your life )
Only the Setence " + Check my last post about urL clan."
Relates to smtg he wrote which is the following setence:

Quote from: Mastro on November 04, 2015, 10:56:38 PM
Guys i talk with blacky if im not on clan i still talk with couple members and he decide he didn't close the the clan he just want this topic to be locked, he just dont want you all apply here, only on other server and he Move clan to another server all of u who didn't understood so you can still use urL tag who was in

Btw: haider stop/paste their apply we said to you , you dont have skiils for clan and we done. Deal with it

Quote from: Mastro on December 01, 2015, 08:18:51 AM
Quote from: mooman on December 01, 2015, 08:16:23 AM
This server isn't being closed soon. In fact we have stayed open constantly (minus a few hours) since opening unlike others...

He said for this server this clan will be cloosed soon, he didn't meant server will be shutdown.

Mastro explained that what Blacky wrote.
"He said for this server this clan will be cloosed soon, he didn't meant server will be shutdown."
This setence was just an explanation about that what mooman qouted.

Also who says that Mastro moved to this other Server with his Clan?
After all there are no Proofs that he went to this other Server.

Anyways next time just use the PM function which is avaible on the Forum..
Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)


And who deleted Mastros last two replies where he disrespected Physiks?


I do not feel as though I was disrespected at all. He still quoted blacky's post.. which is server advertisement. I do not care about Blackys post since he is not applying for admin. But relaying the message, I do not like.

Now this conversation is over.


In-game name:Kazuya

Age: 18

Timezone:i forget it

How often do you play?i play very often samp and i started to play this server everyday so we can say i play samp everyday
What can you bring to the administration team? common player,punish the cheaters ,loyal

Why should we choose you over any other applicant?i know what is the responsibility to become a admin and to be a admin and i think i can handle with this work and i will punish only these that need to and i will great admin i think
knows as Kazuya and skills like Kazuya


In-game name: GOTA

Age: 16

Timezone: i forget it

How often do you play? i play 3 days at the week.

What can you bring to the administration team? i will remove the stupid players that playing right now

Why should we choose you over any other applicant?because i play more often in the server


Decided to make new application because things changed.

Full in-game name: Ozzubear

Age: 19

Location: Slovenia (born in Germany, I lived in Switz and England for few years)

Favorite mode: Race DM, DD


I joined SA-MP when it got released. I am able to speak 5 languages fluently, I am able to script and map (test maps, make maps, etc.). I have been trusted with administrator power on a lot of servers of all different types of gamemodes, take this few for examples:

UIF (web developer and in-game moderator)
EG (forum administrator)
XG (in-game moderator)
CrazyBob's CnR (lead moderator)
New Dawn (wasn't an admin but I was trusted with clanwar host rank, had admin power in cw server)

Why should we pick you over the other applicants: Everyone can say how amazing they are on an application and if you purely judge them on that then the chances are you will not be getting the whole truth. Some of the qualities I have that I think would make me a suitable moderator are listed below

Due to my upbringing I've learned from a young age that if you want respect from someone then you need to show them respect first and believe me that is something that I am more than willing to do. I also know that people are going to give me a tough time and others of them are going to question my judgement but that happens in everyday life and it's something that I do already deal with.

If someone asks for help then I am more than happy to help them out in whatever way I can.

Honest And Unbiased,
I will not lie to someone no matter who they are no matter what they have done to me or anybody else as something isn't worth saying if it isn't 100% honest. If you ask me a question then I will do my best to answer it and if I do then it will be the truth, however these questions need to be reasonable as I'm not going to just tell you my password and email address.

Again I already support people mentally and emotionally in day to day life and I would simply be transferring my skills across. I can't give any examples because whatever I hear from someone is strictly confidential if its about something in real life or about a serious topic.

People need support to grow into good leaders and role models, without the support they probably will still become good role models but it will take a lot longer to do so.

I work really well under pressure more so than when I'm not under pressure and I think this gives me a great advantage as no mater what is thrown at me I'll be capable of dealing with it, this could be an influx of reports or people asking for help. Also on this point I have a great memory which means if I see a name that I recognise then I will act accordingly to what my memory serves.


Full in-game name: Kazuya

Age: 18


Favorite mode: DM

Experience:i play SAMP about 5-6 years for first time i was playing samp when i was 12 years old now im 18 i learned only few things in this thing called samp and it is that i had lot of fun i learned something from some players i play new dawn about 12-13 years old and i think this server could be the future new dawn if not then it will be at least copy from new dawn i experienced lot of things i was not respected that much in Samp but from some i was respected . i want to become admin because i think i can take this responsibility to work in the server to punish the cheaters or spammers and i think i will surely handle it
knows as Kazuya and skills like Kazuya


Username: [MC]Scaryman000
Country: Germany
Age: 16 Years (Birthday 24th January)
Hobbys: Gaming, go out with friends
Online Hours per day: 1-2 Hours

Application text:
Dear Strawberries-DM Administration,
my name is Chris and my Username is [MC]Scaryman000. I#m 14 years old and come from Germany.
I speak english and german.
I want to apply as an admin, because everytime in the past when I played on this server I saw Hackers or Cheaters when no Admin was online,
who were destroying the fun of all players. That this won't happen again in the future, I want to support the Adminteam and
keep the server clear from Cheaters.
Thanks for reading my application and I hope you enjoyed it ! ;)

Chris | Scaryman000


IG NAME : .Rock.
Age: 20
About Me : I am From India playing Samp since 2012 . I have a decent experience about administration.
I encountered this problem in ND as well that no admin is online in my time . Players usually try to speed hack when no one is on and get a headstart for TT . And there is nobody to report to . Many maps are in touch with water and cars slow down because of it . They need a raise. Many players spam the whole chat and irritate the fuckin gameplay and make all sick . I am tired and this server needs active admins . All admins play Just DM no one in EDM and any other game mode . Players remains afk and buy camper and we have to wait long for any admin or autoadmin to sent him to menu .


Name: iMad
Age: 17
Modes I play: DM & EDM
What makes you want to become an admin?: Well, I adore helping others. Ever since I've joined SA-MP, I've found that there's a unique pleasure in helping those people who are new. I want to prove myself to this community that I am worthy of being a staff member and if I become one, it will certainly be a honor for me to be able to represent this community. I believe that staff members are special people, they are the ones under whom the whole reputation of the server is beheld and hence, I'd love to become a part of this special team and contribute whatever I can to this exquisite community,also As a staff member, I'll get the opportunity to help out those who are seeking help. I'd love to make this community become more known and keep it away from the evil actions of its enemies. I'll make sure that every player is able to enjoy a clean fair playing environment.



Name: Christian
Nick IG: [KOR]Die > [sK]Chris
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: Venezuela
Languages: Spanish & English
Modes I play: EDM/DM/DD/RACE
Time playing in strawberries: Since 2015

Hello, I'm applying for admin because I would like to help cleaning the server from cheaters and adding maps to each mode. Another reason is that many members of the admin team are inactive, so I think I could be useful due I'm active and players know who I'm.

Feel free to contact me. Discord: Chriss#0520


About me:
In game name : [RFH]iCloudz
Name: Omar
age : 19
Gender : Male
Contact : skype/omar.ahmed2241  Steam/iCloudz 


i can speak English properly so i can communicate well with players , i can deal well with players as i was admin in many server like [cnr] , i was language moderator in New Dawn , Currently many members of the admin team are inactive and sometimes new players join and use hacks and camping in edm and dm modes , I am active right now and i think i can help the community to be better .



lol rlly? Server is a little bit dead so why you applying, also I don't think mooman will check this, just lol.