Admin applications

Started by mooman, November 29, 2015, 08:37:10 PM

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The server is pretty busy now so some admins might be needed in future. If you think you are a good candidate and are being overlooked, post once in this topic with your application. Feel free to include as much or as little relevant information as you think is necessary. We aren't going to make some kind of format to make it easier for you: choosing a suitable format is part of the challenge.

Keep in mind that this will only be used as a complement to our existing method of selecting admins. This means that if you are not acting how we expect admins to act even a perfect application will not be enough to get you promoted, and also that if we are certain you're suitable through your behaviour a post here is not necessary for us to promote you.

There will be no "accepted" or "rejected" posts and no time limits for our decision, so please do not ask if we have decided yet or why we haven't promoted you yet. This kind of pestering only makes your promotion more unlikely.


Name: Physiks
Age: 22
Modes I play: EDM and DD
What makes you want to become an admin?: The amount of abusers at night that camp and troll along with some racism and spam of the chat when there are no admins available is a little frustrating and I would like to try combat that. I also think I am quite mature and that I could bring that to the table. I do get along with a few admins and they are a pretty cool bunch.
What makes you think you are able?: I do bite my tongue alot when there are flamers in the chat and I do not react too hastily which I think is a key part in becoming an admin. I also think I could bring plenty of suggestions and ideas to bring new things to this server.

To make a long story short, I think I would be a good admin because I think that I could do the job that is given to me. The main thing is looking after the server as an admin. If I am chosen to be an admin that is exactly what I intend to do.



Admin application
Hello, in the following message I will tell you something about me, why you should choose me as an staff member and some more information.

At first some facts about me:

Ingamename: AsTroN
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Male
Country: Germany
Contact: Sadly I don't have skype or something else, but we can find a solution.
My character: I'm a friendly and sociable person. I'm trying to help other people and answer their questions as good as possible.


Hello staff officers,
now I will tell something about my efficiency as a staff member. I can speak proper english, which is a important requirement on this server.
I have good communication skills and thats good to solve conflikts between users and admins. I represent my personal opinion to some persons/thing, which can be a good property, but also a bad. Well, I tried every time to have a neutral position of my fellows, because I don't like this difficult situations betweet players.
Also I can be a good friend and speaking parter, but I can be serious too.
I also play since four months on this server. So I know some bugs and how to solve them.

Yours faithfully,


Hello guys my real life name is Shankly ,so that's way
my in-name is ShankZ.
I'm 15 years old and I'm from Malaysia.
I decided to apply again because someone copied my application.

In-game name:


How long you playing on Strawberries:
-For few months,I guess...I believe

Why you want to be an Admin of Strawberries:[/color
-Sometimes there aren't admins online and a lot of hackers in-game who
forcing the players to quit, of course nobody wants to play on a server where there are unfair players. There are a lot of rule breakers who are
abusing others, spamming like a crazy and flooding as
well when we have
no admins in-game. Hackers know if there are no admin online and they abusing hack and when admin coming ingame they turning it off or leaving.
It's really annoying. I want to keep the server clean to don't let anybody quit because of hackers so the server would have more players. Sometimes we have bored
players who want to quit but I want to make events to pleasure and cheer
them. I want to make the first impression good
of the new players also so they will come back to play in our server.
I'm active everyday so I can help the server.

Any past experience?:
-Yes I'm an admin in a TDM server and I know
all the admin's commands

Are you able to work in a team:
-Of course , I will

Have you been banned from this server:
-Seriously no , I don't.

Are you only here for admin? :
-Nope, I'm here to meet my friends and have fun with them and the new players,
find new friends, help anybody who need it, and keep
the server rule breaker free.

What would you do as an Admin? :
- Make events
- Kick hackers until a level 4 or above admin comes / report them
- Mute spammers, flooders and insulters
- Warn rulebreakers
- Help admins in hacker busting
- Report advertisers
- Help players in anything
- Don't let the server be rulebreakers' playground

Able to be active (how long)?:
-I active about 2-3 hour.when I have time to play , I can be more active.


In-game name: Stooda changed to Tyler

Age: 17

Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How often do you play?
I play when I can, which I have a lot of time to do. I usually play SA:MP all day. I wake up at around 12:00 PM and play till about 4:00 AM. So I have plenty of time to play. When New Dawn went down, I had no clue what to do. So I went back to RP servers but then the other day I found out about strawberries so I started playing this server a lot. I invited a few friends that played with me on New Dawn and I even met an old friend from New Dawn that plays here now too, Physiks.

What can you bring to the administration team? Loyalty and activity.

Why should we choose you over any other applicant?
As stated above, I am very loyal to communities I join and very active. With that being said, hackers shall not be tolerated and with me being active, you won't have to worry about anyone ruining the server.


My name is Nils, InGame you can find me under the name NilsGaming,
I'm 16 years old and come from germany.

I don't want to write a listed application, because it's not real, I think.

I want to apply as an admin, because I often see cheaters and no admins online, I want to help to clear the Server from cheater,
hacker, spammer, insulting people and everything else what is forbidden.

I can give the Adminteam of the server a fair and active player, a player which is against cheater.

Nils / NilsGaming

And sorry for this short application :D
I'm not so good in write some :(
But I thank you for reading it, and hope that you decide right! :)


Nick: [MISS]Daniella
Country: Romania/Bucharest
How old or you: 16
Score: 7,500k+
Activiy: Well i'm active on server everyday, reporting players helping admins etc,
Languages: Română , English and Germany(not much good)
Most played modes: DD/DM easy /edm
Why do you want to becone an admin:   
Mhm to help give player when / report , and to keep server hackers (ab) that the maps tt1 hurt and because it is a very loud and server admin will be a nice fair play


Faking your gender is not a great start when applying for admin.


Username: [MISS]Scaryman000
Country: Germany
Age: 14 Years (Birthday 24th January)
Hobbys: Gaming, go out with friends
Online Hours per day: 1-2 Hours

Application text:
Dear Strawberries-DM Administration,
my name is Chris and my Username is [MISS]Scaryman000. I´m 14 years old and come from Germany.
I speak english and german.
I want to apply as an admin, because everytime when I´m playing on this server i saw Hackers or Cheatersn when no Admin is online,
who are destroying the fun of all players. I did not want to write an such big application, i only want to support the Adminteam and
to keep the server clear from Cheaters.
Thanks for reading my application and i hope you enjoyed it ! ;)

Chris | Scaryman000


Name: [MISS]Bluezz0r
Age: 14
Modes I play: DM
What makes you want to become an admin?:A lot of hacker and abusers on the server.... I will clean them!
Admin Experience : 3 Years , Admin on New Dawn , on XdR and a lot of servers.
How many hours I play:4-8


Nick: Alexander_Ford.
Country: Perú.
How old or you:[/b] 17.
Score: 1000.
Activiy: I connect sometimes in the mornings , evenings and always at night.
Languages: Spanish, English and little Italian.
Most played modes: DD/DM.
Why do you want to becone an admin:
I would like to be a moderator server because I have a good schedule connection . On the other hand , I want to put penalties on users who take advantage of the lack of moderators to use modifications , and no way to get them out .
Moderator me assure you that the people who use modifications will no more bother .


Name: Jory
Age: 21 years old
Country: Chile
Languages: Spanish perfectly, English and very little Italian.
Reason for my application:
I am a very active user strawberries server, I have noticed that there are many users AFK and cheats, damaging items in the various game modes and abusing the absence of current moderators. It could serve as a good steward to the community and the games are more entertaining. I know the Spanish perfectly, so sometimes insult moderators in this language, it would be easy to capture the insults of the poorly educated users in Latin America.


Score:5000 +
Languages:English , endonesian , german , turkish , italian , spanish
Most played modes: DD/DM.
Reason for my application:: I am a very active user strawberries server (7/24) , Server is all hack , Admins are not online , I want to be really admin , I've been following since the new dawn , about the game really have a lot of experience , I am 7/24 online , PLEASE I want to be REALLY ADMİN :-[ :-[ ??? ???    (I have also experience of admin)


mooman , please I want to be admin , pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ĸaт ♥

Nick: Pia

Country: Pakistan

How old are you: 16

Score: 20k+

Activiy: Active player and helping new players

Languages: English

Most played modes: Easy Deathmatch and Derby

Why do you want to becone an admin:   
Well, As you see admins here are less. So I decided to be an admin and help new players including ban the HACKERS or RULEBREAKERS. Thank you ^^