Unbaneed please

Started by DanielSemprun, April 03, 2016, 08:08:26 PM

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* Hawks Greenberg
* IP:
* Reason: AB
* Admin: [SC]Pandorra
* see my brother and I have the same ip and my brother did not want to play anymore this server and autobaneo so I did not play please help with this situation because I really love this server

ĸaт ♥

Well. It was basically your fault that why you have same IP as your brother. You would change IP by using VPN or smth. Anyways. It will be pleasure for me and as well as for you to READ FAQs point no "2"
from here: http://forum.strawberries-dm.com/index.php/topic,87.0.html

"My friend/brother/sister/father/mother/grandparents/uncle/aunt/son/daughter hacked on my PC. Can I get unbanned?
No. You're responsible for what happens on your PC. If you don't want to get banned, make sure you trust everyone who uses your PC. Otherwise, don't let them use it."

You will be unbanned next year.

Thank You,