Unban Appeal [Bug?]

Started by uJelly., April 09, 2016, 05:54:14 PM

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IG NAME: uJelly.
IP Address: 212.34.20.XXX
Mode: DD/DM
Admin Who banned you: I've no idea.
Explaination: I didn't do anything I just got the server ip from someone to join because I wanted to join again since I got a new PC and I tried joining it keeps giving me "Connecting to ... the server ip" then "Server closed the connection" I don't know if I'm banned or what the hell happend.

ĸaт ♥

Well, you are auto-banned if you are using VPN/Proxy. If not its Your net Or GTA.


You're not on the ban list, and neither is your range.

It sometimes happens in SA:MP that trying to join a server immediately ends up with a message saying you're banned. If it's an actual ban from the server, normally shows the ban reason and admin who banned you. You may try to rejoin, if it happens again take a screenshot please.