Unban Requets

Started by HaiderKhan, April 10, 2016, 02:41:16 PM

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In-Game Name: ftw.KinnG
Baned by: Keyboard
Reason: Ban Evade
Reason(s) why we should unban you: Admin : keyboard banned any player and then after 5 seconds i logged in and he pm ed me that r u Ban evading i didnot answered because i was playing [on the map
] and he thought that am not telling him and he Banned me he thaught am that player which he banned SO PLS UNBAN ME I LOVE STRAWBERIES-DM  dis is the best server in samp for me :[


Quote from: HaiderKhan on April 10, 2016, 02:41:16 PM
In-Game Name: ftw.KinnG
Baned by: Keyboard
Reason: Ban Evade
Reason(s) why we should unban you: Admin : keyboard banned any player and then after 5 seconds i logged in and he pm ed me that r u Ban evading i didnot answered because i was playing [on the map
] and he thought that am not telling him and he Banned me he thaught am that player which he banned SO PLS UNBAN ME I LOVE STRAWBERIES-DM  dis is the best server in samp for me :[


Hey, after checking your IP-Adress I found another IP who is identical with yours. Your IP-Adress will stay banned.


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