Mastro Suggestion

Started by Mastro, April 13, 2016, 01:42:01 PM

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1. Win for +3players
It should be like you can only get wins if 3 or more players are in the same mode, else it wouldn't be a win and you could farm money because of the mulipicator for winstreaks.

2. Vote redo (/vr or /redo)
A redo option could be cool, but there should be atleast 3players for it.

3.More togs
Sometimes guys have to be funny and spam anywhere, you can only deactivate the whole chat if no admin is online, what about /togglobal and /togmode and things, could be good for some people that have problems with fps.


I think it would be better if you can get 1Toptimes each map instead of getting as many Toptimes in a map as you want.
This would be fair for other players.

5. My second suggestion:
Add /ask as command to answer questions.

6.It would be nice to make the Clan Ranks editable.
Like what the ranks can do and how the Ranks are called.
and also which Prefix they have like atm "(CO)" for Co Leader.
It should be Editable by Leaders and Co Leaders.


+1 For everything except for voteredo.
VoteRedo's can be so annoying.. nearby every map twice...
Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)


Quote from: Mastro on April 13, 2016, 01:42:01 PM


I think it would be better if you can get 1Toptimes each map instead of getting as many Toptimes in a map as you want.
This would be fair for other players.
It has been like this since the server opened

Quote from: Mastro on April 13, 2016, 01:42:01 PM

5. My second suggestion:
Add /ask as command to answer questions.
Added recently