Bann Appeal DeeKay

Started by enemy., April 14, 2016, 09:43:03 PM

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Hey. I heared that i can reappeal, so i decided to do it.

Ip: 84.118.XX.XXX
Admin: physiks
Reason: Advertising
Why i Should get unbanned? It was a stupid fault from my side, in the Future i will Follow the Server Rules completely. I am sorry and Hope for a chance, and a good Time together..



If you read the previous ban appeal you would notice it says

Please appeal on 24th April 2016 for your unban.

This is 10 days from now, however as you seem to want to keep appealing I am now adding 7 more days to that.

Please appeal your ban on 1st of May.


Link to previous ban appeal:,152.0.html


New information linking you to the account Genetikk.

If found to be the case, your ban will be extended by 2 years from the server and more consequences will follow for others who know you are evading.