[Guide]How to report a rule breaker.

Started by ShankZ, April 13, 2016, 06:36:01 AM

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Hi every players in Strawberries ,many rule breakers are
joining the server and admin can't ban/kick/warn them maybe
because there is no admin online or they are AFK.
Those who don't know how to
report hackers ,then I'll show you how to do it.

A few things you should not do if you are
reporting hackers in-game if an admin is online or report a rule breaker in forum.

DO NOT shout on the
public chat like "ID 10 is a hacker"
while an admin is online.The hacker will turn his
hack off if you shout like that.

DO NOT say that you have already report him.
He might leave the server and admin can't ban the hacker.
The hacker wait until the admin is leaving the server and the
hacker will join the server

If you want to report an advertiser just PM
to the admins at forum so everyone can't go to the advertised server.


You must take a best evidence so the admins can punish the player.
You can take a screenshot through using F8
and you will find the screen Documents.


You can make the report here:Report players here
and press the "REPLY". Once you
have press that and then you put the name
of the player and what did the player do:

<Player name>

Posting a screenshot:

1.Press F8 to take a screenshot.
2.You will find the pic in your Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\screens.
3.Upload the image at any Image hosting site like www.tinypic.com
4.Once Your image is uploaded there, get the url of the image by right click\Copy image URL.
5.Paste the URL on the forum as shown.
[img]URL[ /img]

I'm just posting this to help a player to report a
rule breaker because maybe they do not how to report a
rule breaker while admin is not in-game and report the
player to the forum.Hope it's working to everyone.