Strawberries DM administration

Started by potato, April 15, 2016, 04:19:12 PM

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So hello guys,
I noticed that this server has a lot of administrators that kinda disrespect
us (the players) and just aren't good administrators. Take this as an examples:
N. 1: I kindly ask Nos to come in DM and delete hacked toptimes but he responses that
he should do the work first and remains in AFK mode. So I'm not pretty sure if you know what
administrator work is. Deleting toptimes is a part of your work.
N. 2: I noticed that our administrators needs a long time to deal with the report. I always report a rulebreaker and
you guys just come too late, so you cannot do anything.
N. 3: Administrators being a lot of time AFK without going in AFK mode (WeedO for an example).
N. 4: Kat disrespecting player and make fun out of his grammar, while her grammar isn't much better,
administrators should have a good grammar and ofcourse not make fun out of the players.

Dum dum dum, the truth has been spoken!
Please do something about it and fire some administrators (or atleast hire better new administrators).
I hope this doesn't bring on any hate..



N. 5: Admins being AFK when a player is AFK (results in waiting for a next round, no slay) (get more active admins).


Well here are my answers to your questions:
A. 1: Well as I said, work must be done before, now we can also ban the hackers not just delete top times... and also here are some players that know more what to delete and when and where and so on...

A. 2: Well as you can see a lot of admins are online whole day, mostly afk because they also have a life, but I like to check reports every 5 min or so, if you don't like the way I chose to do it then I can just not log to check reports while I am doing something else.

A. 3: An answer is the answer A. 2 and also, ppl got a life and things happen, not only admins go afk without going to afk so this problem shouldn't be related to admins...

A. 4: Well, admins are also players, and they can make some jokes, you can figure out most of them are just jokes and not really insults and why you see only her as example? Anyway how you expect ppl to answer to stupid questions that are being asked or what to do when we are being trolled, I say they should defend themselves, because mute should be just and abuse . I would say it becomes a problem only when they abuse it, but as I see here is not the case.

A. 5: Sure lets make you admin because this is what are you going for.

These were my answers... Moo should give a better one but these were my points.


Replies to your answers:

R. 1: Do you want to say that I dont know what to delete?

R. 2: I didn't mean you in this situation, but okay.

R. 3: We should have a system that should automaticly send to /afk mode.

R. 4: Well it's still not nice to make fun out of someone and in Kats' situation it didn't really look like a joke or did it?

R. 5: Sorry but you're totally wrong.


N. 1: As you know, nos is a scripter for the server, he adds new maps and helps mooman alot. If you would kindly PM him the name of the map he can do that at another time
N. 2: We cannot take your report for truth and we need to see the evidence ourselves.
N. 3: Admins have a life, if there is something we need to do IRL urgently then we wont /afk and we can allow another admin to send them AFK which is what I do and so do others.
N. 4: I really can't argue with this point as it is very true.
N.5: Admins go afk also, they cannot help if real life is beckoning.

To be honest, it does not seem like you have much respect for the admins or the server as you constantly have criticism for our decisions  (E.G Ban Durations)

If you are unhappy with this server then there is nothing stopping you from finding another server with admins which meet your standards.

Thanks for your feedback,


I made this topic mainly for N. 4 because it really aint cool and it doesnt look like a joke in this situation, I am pretty sure if someone would make fun outta her grammar she wouldnt take it as a joke (neither would I).
About n. 1: He could tell me to send him a map name so he will be able to do it later
About admins going afk: The only problem here now is that sometimes when no other admin is online and
player/admin still get spawned then we've to wait, otherwise I dont have any problems if they dont go in /afk mode

Thanks for all your replies, lets wait for someone else now.

p.s. about ban durations, 2 years are little too much. A year could do it, a lot of things can happend like server closage,
samp closage and I dont really think someone would wait 2 years for a server. Look, I just want to improve things by letting you know, I respect most of your admins (includes you(Physiks), WeedO, mooman, 66_nos, Platypus, Jessy, Pandorra, Joanna, ..., WasteD, Stone, Exodus and Keyboard). Others I just don't know or aren't worth a respect.


- I've added auto-afk to improve problems caused by idle players and admins.
- You shouldn't worry too much about hacked top times when you see them because once a player has had a few of his top times deleted I have the ability to wipe all of his other top times. Because of that, it's not like if an admin doesn't see that particular top time it will stay forever.
- I don't think the admin team is perfect and I'm doing what I can to improve it but this takes time. The issues I most want to fix are admins that are too aggressive (e.g. saying "caps off" if someone says just one thing in caps), unprofessional behaviour in general and of course a shortage of admins.
- My other SA-MP server is 8 years old. Don't assume Strawberries is going anywhere soon. If players don't want to get banned for 2 years they shouldn't hack.

ĸaт ♥

4. Any Witness or Screenshot of that?


Yes mooman I see that you did many good new stuff as anti-afk. I didn't know about your
special ability that allows you to wipe his other toptimes (great ability). And yeah I know that it takes some time
to make someone unprofessional a professional. Maybe you should start hiring already professional, experienced admins. I also noticed that admins mute players for "flooding" even if it's not flooding. Take this as an example:
[Global] Player 1: Hey folks!
[Global] Player 2: plaaaaaaaaaayyyyyeeeer 1 <333
This doesn't really deserve a mute, this a way to see that administrator is unprofessional, same for caps off as you said.

Making fun out of his grammar, pretty obvious and as you can see it doesnt look like a joke and player
could take it serious, I remember when you kicked someone with reason: Stop it niggachu and instantly cleared chat. If this is not a disrespect then something is wrong with you, you are also very unprofessional.

ĸaт ♥

I think there is alot difference between "Making fun of Grammar" and "telling someone to fix their grammar"
Making fun of grammar is like
Player 1: I dided it

And Telling someone is like this
",199.msg1124.html#new "

I hope you have been misunderstood ^-^


Oh really? "It seems like a 10 years old writing an ban appeal" totally not making fun of his grammar..
Another way to see you are unprofessional.