
Started by Stone, August 14, 2015, 09:44:32 AM

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Hayo, apparently some people think the design of the server resembles a certain server too much, so I wanted to post a small design-suggestion

Ingame design

(The race-pickups in the minimap could also be toggled instead)

/afk design

/menu design
(The space in the middle could be used for other things)


I won't deny it looks similar but I don't want to change things just for the sake of it. I am trying to find the optimal layout and if something is the same as ND I won't restrict myself. Timer in the bottom right corner is a classic one. Here's a screenshot of AdrenalineX where it's been in the same position since 2008: It's the same in GTASA. It's just the usual place for it.

Death list could be on the right side just to be different but then it clashes with the SA-MP death list at certain resolutions. . Something I'd like to note about the death list is that something *very* similar to it has been present in AdrenalineX since before ND was made: . Putting the rank before the player instead of after also looks nicer as you can see from that screenshot.

The fact is as long as we have the death list, alive count, etc., people can say we're too similar anyway.  Moving them around doesn't change that.

My aim is to develop the server into something unique after the main features are finished, and you can see some new features already.

I will consider a new menu though.


Quote from: mooman on August 14, 2015, 10:18:59 AM
The fact is as long as we have the death list, alive count, etc., people can say we're too similar anyway.  Moving them around doesn't change that.

Can't really argue against that, I just thought putting them in a more organized way might make everything look more advanced

But the pick-ups in the minimap should be atleast toggleable, quite a few people complained about it :(


Sure, they will be. As will everything else.

PS. Look what I found by googling 'mta dm': seems ND isn't so original either :D


Wot, I never said it is original, I don't mind the server the way it is but a few changes to the design might appeal more to those people who think it looks unoriginal and copied, and I guess we can either stay the way we are and ignore those people or change some stuff and take a risk

I don't mind any kind of design


Oh ok, it's just kind of annoying that we have to be original when ND didn't :(


Yeah I guess  :-\
It only needs to be like that until there is a stable playerbase, then it shouldn't be much of a problem anymore  :D


New Dawn is shutting down..why should the layout matter if:
1: Not being used.
2: Not theirs.
3: Nice layout


I have some ideas about the next update if it happen till then.First we need to add a titles for the clan for example Owner,Moderator,Co-Owner,Leader .....,and if the owner leave the clan there would be a need owner which could be the co-owner,Second there have to be a command for /toptimes which i mean by that for example we are on EDM and write /toptimes we see the top10 players that have most records on this mode,there could be a EDM and DM admins but im not that sure about that,For now this is mine ideas i hope u like my ideas !!!! :))))
knows as Kazuya and skills like Kazuya