A whole new GM

Started by potato, April 25, 2016, 06:53:00 PM

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Hello folks!

So the mode I am suggesting is called Carball.

Explanation of the gamemode:

- Pretty same as a Rocket League
- This is version of football, but we play with cars.
- There has to be at least 2 players to start the match, you would be spawned in arena.
- At the start of a round players would make a vote about which car would they like to drive, possibilities of choosing is every car except few below:
• rhino,
• rc bandit,
• caddy,
• baggage,
• dumper,
• forklift,
• tractor,
• combine harvester,
• kart,
• sweeper,
• rc tiger,
• rc cam.
- Maximum amount of players in the mode would be 30 (12 vs 12 and there would be spectate mode, maximum amount of spectators would be 6, so together is 30).
- So in arena on both sides there would be a goal and you just have to score and/or defend the goal.
- Pressing on control (a.k.a. ctrl) or Right Mouse Button (a.k.a. RMB) would give you nitro.
- Pressing shift would make you jump in the air. Maximum would a double jump.
- Arena would be made by mappers(decorations should be visible in SAMP, so put these), there would be map limit like 10 maps.
- Player(s) who has scored more points is/are the winner(s).

How gamemode would look like?

- Rocket League

- You can easily look for a video on YouTube searching an MTA server which has this gamemode. (I dont want to post any links because it could be considered as advertising an MTA clan)

Please if you like it post a positive comment and if you don't like it then tell me a reason why, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask me. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes I am writing from my phone due my laptop got broken few days ago.




Good to have support from admin side. ;)


Well someone needs to show support