need high lvl admin plz

Started by Azmy, April 26, 2016, 09:50:05 AM

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hey idk if thier is a format for this req i wanna contact nos only thx


-66 nos [ dont know his full name sry ]
-ab?? i dont know the meaning of it
-can explane cuz i dont know why i have been banned ? :-\


There is nothing that you can explain, you have been cought cheating and here is your proof:

Also the screen is very relevant since your speed was almost 0 km/h.


1st i wasnt at home thats the begging and i wont say this is the reason which i want u to unban me for  2nd i cant see that this is a valid proof
and i want to tell u that all of the village about 14 house using the same ip i am respecting ur opinion and just want to tell u that wasnt  me cuz my friend have got my acc
so i am asking u to unban me plz i didnt want to evad and be like a thief i have just finished my final exam and found this on me face plz unban me


Sorry but the rules clearly say that you are responsible for your account, so if you share your account with someone else and that guy hacks then you are banned.
So stays banned for 2 years.


ik the rules but i am new here so i wasnt know it but u may give a new guy a second chance cuz he didnt know and if i did it again u can ban me forever i rly apologies for what happened from me and just asking for a chance plz.
and thx cuz u r not saying  [ read this ......................] then close the topic u r giving me a chance to explane and contact with u


Sorry these are the rules, I can't do anything...


Then i cant create a new acc ?


No, that will be considered ban evading and will add 1 more week to your actuall ban every time you evade.


but man i think 2 years is too much for a new one that wasn't know the rules i think that should be a rule giving the new members a second chance and i want to tell u if i didnt like this server i wasnt going to appeal i was going to evade and its so easy
following the rules means i'm respecting the server and i swear i wasn't know the rule so plz unban me like a chance for a new guys who didn't knew the rules


/bump waiting for ur answer nos


I already gave you the answer. But I can give it again if you want: you are banned for 2 years and for every evade 1 week will be added to your ban. With this I am closing this topic. Sorry but there is nothing else that I can do


Ok then I need a high level admin plz to contact him


You are not getting unbanned.