Astron's suggestions

Started by Astron, April 27, 2016, 10:24:58 AM

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Hello, I will present my suggestions here.

Admin chat: A chat for every admin, they can better discuss about cheaters or something else.
Car repair after every loaded warp: The car should get repaired in after every loaded warp. It's annoying  when I have to press f after every fail in the training mode.
Admin spectate system: The admins should get a seperate spectate system. At the moment they have to join the gamemode to spectate reported players. Thats unfavorable.
Disable toptimes of banned players: A function for admins which disables all toptimes of a banned player. They shouldn't get deleted because he will appeal his ban. If he can proof that he didn't use hacks, his toptimes should get reactivated. Also the ban system should have a function which allows admins to choose between a normal ban and a cheater ban (disable tt's + ban)
Anti chat spam: Automute if a player writes some messages in the same second or exactly the same message several times
Anti command spam: To prevent that the chatlog gets spammed unnecessary, someone who spams commands constantly should get banned 5 minutes or something like that
Pvp system: A simple pvp/challenge system between two players.
Clan system: Allows to create clans by players.
Maybe a bonus system: For every online hour a player should get some cash (just in modes if he isnt afk)
/admin command restrict: Only players which a total score of for example 4k+ can use /admins

I will add some more suggestions soon.

Best regards,


I am not pretty sure but I think they already have admin chat, car repair in training mode after warp would be useful, spec system probably already here as admin types "/spec <player id>" probably sends admin in the mode where the player is and automatically specs him. Those toptime disables are useless, if he finished it once he can probably do it again. Anti-spam would be a great feature, gets muted if a player wrote more than 5 messages in less than 5 seconds. Anti command spam is just useless, only report spam and ask spam should be kickable and bannable (first a kick as a warn and then a ban if continues). Pvp system already suggested, mooman is already working on a better clan system as far as I know and the bonuses are useless. /admins command restriction is not really needed here since most of the players already know admins.


  • We have admin chat.
  • Car repair after warps was added yesterday but I didn't write a post about it yet because I forgot.
  • Admin spectate system is needed and designated high priority.
  • Disabling top times is a good idea.
  • Anti-spam commands will be added pretty soon.
  • PVP system is what I'm coding now.
  • A kind of clan system is coming.
  • The server is already pretty generous and if you aren't always buying maps you can get rich quite easily.
  • I don't like restricting that command but I do see the benefit. 4k would be too high anyway.