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Started by Sarah, August 17, 2015, 09:08:29 AM

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Quote from: Timez on August 25, 2015, 06:47:19 AM
mooman,Mr.Troll should stay banned cuz he ban evaded with this username "Core".Although I have not proof,but you can ask Blacky.



[Royal_Cell] id 3

hacks air brakes



wow rlly this haxor are banned now in 2 servers for hacking


Player Reported : Tonis_Aim
Reason : Ab

Player has been banned by Riot


Quote from: BlackY on August 30, 2015, 07:03:35 PM

actually those screenshots are not proofs because u can just press F8 and while you're pressing F8 he's  falling into the water and it's lucky car park in the water omg ffs


I was there too, he was there for like 6-7 secs.


I want u, admins, check "=Sarah=" saw shes/hes using speed hax not only this morning... Saw she/he a lot of times but cant screenshot speed hax and i dont have fraps or smt to record it, but pls have a look at Sarah... Shes/Hes hacking all the time, and i think its actually a male whos hacking, just named "=Sarah=".



Quote from: asTroN on September 04, 2015, 07:14:06 PM

The player flew a little bit forward to get the jump. :)
If you take a look at 0:09 she/he gains speed randomly while in air, anyway could be lag or other, but according to this video seems she/he hacked there. Looks a bit strange, but i'm quite sure that she/he cheated, not only this time. Admins should investigate for a better response.
PS: What about adding a speedometer in spec mode?


That's definitely not lag, clearly hacking. Also a bit funny how he has a lot of top times on difficult maps but when he's playing on a full server his skills seem really average.


Quote from: lennart on September 04, 2015, 08:06:05 PM
That's definitely not lag, clearly hacking. Also a bit funny how he has a lot of top times on difficult maps but when he's playing on a full server his skills seem really average.
I noticed it too. Sometimes i join server in the middle of the night and she/he is often online....Maybe cause there aren't admins online who means easy tops made using speedhacks.


Sarah knows that I know that he is hacking. Well, my whole clan knows it but we never had proofs for it.
So she wouldn´t use hacks if I´m online/spectating. I used another name and recorded it. ::)