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Started by Sarah, August 17, 2015, 09:08:29 AM

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Cheater should be banned from forum;
Maggi you're still complaining about your ban when you clearly admitted it, it's not a great move. I agree with Stone's post, and i my view, "nub" it's still not considered an offence, it's only a derogatory synonymous of "Newbie" that means someone is new to something.
Regarding Sarah report, i still don't believe him/her as i said previously in 1st video, it's clear that he/she cheated, even the 2nd it's so clear..Hope admins would take some measures about it.


ok so requesting unban wont work....
Ok guys meet u in 2017 :D


Hello, I want to add something to the post/video of Exodus in Sarahs ban appeal.
In this video ( you can see a spider hack. But thats not the first time he used this. I´ve got a video, too.
As everybody knows, SaMp isnt synced, so it will look for others that the cheater is falling down a little bit and teleports himself to previous position.
Just look at this:

Maybe it´s a lag, but maybe not   :)


Quote from: asTroN on September 10, 2015, 10:37:24 AM
Hello, I want to add something to the post/video of Exodus in Sarahs ban appeal.
In this video ( you can see a spider hack.I edied by sarah "you can see a kids here" But thats not the first time he used this. I´ve got a video, too.
As everybody knows, SaMp isnt synced, so it will look for others that the cheater is falling down a little bit and teleports himself to previous position.
Just look at this:

Maybe it´s a lag, but maybe not   :)
That video in hacks please go change your eyes then come back play astronaut
How many say , i have ask there admins check that you admin do action?
grow up
dont take the stupid child labour

Astron i have interrogatory u why you following me? or planning ban me?
Haha you need graft for grow up
only rules adhere

Thanks spy / rosberg more info keys man

Astron That bad aing for ban me?


I dont hate a person without any reasons. I´m trying to ban you with valid proofs because you are a cheater. :)


you didn't no cmd /besthates hate me? un-easy really  all watched say"i didn't see hack u in videos or game man Sarah
SlimeTime / spookie / nrg / idk rosberg / riot admin / others players i didn't remember names
So without nos  , without admins u want astron
i'm not cheating
Ask slimetime sc map
map Through_the_jungle_II
that can shutup stop talk me?
EDITED only say hack sarah Spy/Astronaut/Lennard/ofcya or ofcye


Dude,it's obviously that u using hack in that video.How could u stop there for around 2-3 sec?Normally after 1 sec,the vehicle will roll back.

Posts: 21 In-game name: Sarah

Re: Sarah's Ban appeal

« Reply #4 on: Today at 11:12:07 am »

Exxo you player dm good or new player
i pressed S and W+D then Space + D easy
i want play please, without kids?

In Exxo's video...

Yes,u pressed S to reverse and W+D to rotate your vehicle.Then space + D.I didn't see u press this 2 buttons in Exxo's video,Even u pressed the 2 buttons,It was still not possible to get up there.Space = slowdown ur speed,D = right/turn right.So that 2 buttons will not increase ur speed.


Quote from: Timez on September 10, 2015, 11:15:23 PM
Dude,it's obviously that u using hack in that video.How could u stop there for around 2-3 sec?Normally after 1 sec,the vehicle will roll back.

Posts: 21 In-game name: Sarah

Re: Sarah's Ban appeal

« Reply #4 on: Today at 11:12:07 am »

Exxo you player dm good or new player
i pressed S and W+D then Space + D easy
i want play please, without kids?

In Exxo's video...

Yes,u pressed S to reverse and W+D to rotate your vehicle.Then space + D.I didn't see u press this 2 buttons in Exxo's video,Even u pressed the 2 buttons,It was still not possible to get up there.Space = slowdown ur speed,D = right/turn right.So that 2 buttons will not increase ur speed.
i can't reply kids now man
No new admin experience
i will open later forums hostname kidlost


Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)


Why all insuits me
allowed insuits


Quote from: Sarah on September 11, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
Why all insuits me
allowed insuits
Cuz u think cheating is allowed  :)


Reported Player : xX_OveR_Xx
Reason : Ab
Proofs :
Reported Player : $BabyKiller$
Reason : Ab
Proofs :


Is this fcking normal Bitch please, if this not abusing a-cmd then i'm going to kill my self,

Stone grow up!


And this is jason's picture how he spaming on server while admins are not online, anyway Fukkatsu can agree with that cuz he was there and he saw it!

If you want to see proofs just download zip folder and saw there is couple pictures!
Reported Player : [Hp]Jason
Reason : Spam/Flood
Proofs : Click Here