Unban Request

Started by HyPerZ, November 05, 2017, 03:43:13 PM

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IP Address: 190.83.252.X
Admin who banned you: Pia
Reason given by the admin for your banning: Hacks
Reason(s) why we should I unban you : well it has been some years since SB was last online so I can assure you that won`t happen again me hacking almost every toptimes that is.......with airbreak but like I said it was years ago and thats all in the past now I really don`t see any use in hacks anymore.


Since Pia is no longer admin, I'll handle this.
Was your name " MaXimA "?



2 years have been passed since that ban;
You have been Unbanned.  Enjoy your stay in the server