[urL] - United Racing League

Started by BlackY, August 17, 2015, 03:38:05 PM

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[urL]united racing League was opened  on 16.08.2015 by BlackY and Phoebe.We are recruiting DM / DD players and our point is to be a mature,nice and skilled clan!

1.Follow the server rules!
2.Respect the clan members.
3.Be cool  8)



[urL]Timez *
[urL]Funky[Z] *
[urL]TiGeR *
[urL]Trinity *
[urL]TroLLz0R *
[urL]SerialKiller *
[urL]Boky *
[urL]Napster *

Note:Trials have 1 week test period.If they dont show their best,they may be kicked.

[urL]Shaney - 3/7 days passed
[urL]uJelly - 3/7 days passed

Total Members:25

If you want to join [urL] , fill this format:
1.In-game name:
2.Real life name:
3.DM/DD score:
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ):
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ):
6.Where are you from:
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ):
8.Why do you want to join [urL]:

17/08/2015-[urL]ExxO promoted to Co-Leader
17/08/2015-Recruitment format added
24/08/2015-[urL]TiGeR has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
31/08/2015-[urL]Tobu. and [urL]TroLLz0R have succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
8/09/2015-[urL]Napster has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
9/09/2015-[urL]NrG has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
13/09/2015-[urL]iGamerX and [urL]Spookie have succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
16/09/2015-[urL]MastroButch has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
17/09/2015-[urL]Whitex. has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
23/09/2015-[urL]WizY has succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
03/10/2015[urL]cRz. has been promoted to Co-Leader!
23/10/2015-[urL]Kvinz and [urL]Kirito have succesfuly passed the Trials phase!
13/11/2015-[urL]got moved to EG!

* - Inactive




1.In-game name:WHITEK
2.Real life name:Konstantin
3.DM/DD score:128
4.DM Skills ( 7/10 ):
5.DD Skills ( 9/10 ):
6.Where are you from:
7.Rate your English knowledge ( 6/10 ):
8.Why do you want to join [urL]:Its cool clan and here Pala and Blacky <3



Welcome to :
[urL]TiGeR !



1.In-game name: TroLLz0R
2.Real life name: Kiril
3.DM/DD score: Just started :d
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): 9/10 (didnt play samp for 1 month, have to train a bit)
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 5/10 (I hate DD)
6.Where are you from: Germany / half bulgarian
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 10/10
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Many of my old friends are there, and I am searching for a skilled clan



Tobu's Application
1.In-game name:Tobu
2.Real life name:Vent
3.DM/DD score:1k+
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ):10
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ):0.2
6.Where are you from:Philippines
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ):5
8.Why do you want to join [urL]:Cool and friendly


Tobu - Pending...
I haven`t seen you online,gotta spec you.
Nice DM skills.


BOOM !!  :P
1.In-game name: SPY
2.Real life name: Lazar
3.DM/DD score: 5k+
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): idk, cant give a mark to myself, but lets say its 6.  :-X
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 8 maybe  :'(
6.Where are you from: Serbia
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 7-8
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Its nice clan.


SPY - Accepted :D
PM me/exxo/phoebe for the group chat.


Well when you are going to online to the server?