[urL] - United Racing League

Started by BlackY, August 17, 2015, 03:38:05 PM

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Tobu. - Accepted as a Trial!


I'm still in trials but we just have a same date that we join with SPY, i should be in members now i was in clan 1 week ago.


1.In-game name: Napster
2.Real life name: Nico
3.DM/DD score: 2500+
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): better then Pala 8)
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 8/10
6.Where are you from: Germany
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 9/10
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Pala, Blacky


Napster - Accepted as a Trial :D


1.In-game name: NrG
2.Real life name: Drake
3.DM/DD score: About 3k.
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): About 6-9
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 5
6.Where are you from: India
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 8
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Some of my friends are in this clan and I would like to hang up with them, also I feel this is a good clan to be a part of.


Wait wow,*.DM Skills ( x/10 ): About 6-9*,there is a big difference between 6 and 9.


The reason is due to my ISP.. My skills are based on that.. when there is good internet connection I can no-life.. but when my ping goes above 400+ I am fucked up. You can ask your members about me some of them have seen me playing.. Sorry but that's what I found better to say.


NrG - Accepted as a Trial!
PM me/exxo/phoebe for the clan chat.


If you want to join [urL] , fill this format:
1.In-game name: MastroBuch
2.Real life name: Devon
3.DM/DD score: 564
4.DM Skills ( 8/10 ):
5.DD Skills ( 9/10 ):
6.Where are you from: Bosnian
7.Rate your English knowledge ( 8,5/10 ):
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: I don't know what to say, i want to be part of this clan,i'm playing not much god but i will improve + i'm playing the real MTA, sometimes i enter on this server and i hope  will be accepted :)


MastroBuch - Accepted as a Trial!


1.In-game name:[SS]Spookie.
2.Real life name:Ahmed   
3.DM/DD score:4k+
4.DM Skills ( 8/10 ):
5.DD Skills ( 7/10 ):
6.Where are you from: Egypt
7.Rate your English knowledge ( 7/10 ):
8.Why do you want to join [urL]:i like This Clan <3, and i would like to know u guys, and i saw ur skillls and i really like it

P.S: Im not hacking i can shou my GTA sa folder if u want


Spookie - Accepted as a Trial!
PM Me/Phoebe/ExxO for the clan chat!


1.In-game name: AlexM..

2.Real life name: Alex

3.DM/DD score: 352

4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): 9

5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 5-6
6.Where are you from:Romania

7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 9,50

8.Why do you want to join [urL]:I want to join in this clan bcz I have some friends here. And I like the tag :3


WizY - hello bruh long time no see :D - Accepted as a Trial!
PM Exodus/Phoebe/Me for the clanchat!