Your most desired feature

Started by mooman, December 01, 2015, 08:28:10 AM

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I see that you did a pretty nice work on new toptimes list design and a shortcut to toggle it. You know about my latest suggestions already since I private messaged you.


I have some ideas about the next update if it happen till then.First we need to add a titles for the clan for example Owner,Moderator,Co-Owner,Leader .....,and if the owner leave the clan there would be a need owner which could be the co-owner,Second there have to be a command for /toptimes which i mean by that for example we are on EDM and write /toptimes we see the top10 players that have most records on this mode,there could be a EDM and DM admins but im not that sure about that,For now this is mine ideas i hope u like my ideas !!!! :))))
knows as Kazuya and skills like Kazuya