[HowTo] Install LED Backlight Mod

Started by Foxy, March 02, 2018, 01:59:54 AM

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Many users may have asked themselves "How to add LED Backlights in SA-MP?".
While it's very easy in MTA-SA, it's a bit more complicated in SA-MP.

First you need to download this:

Once downloaded you will have to unzip the files into your GTA SA Main Folder.
Then we will go to "GTA SA MainFolder\models\generic" and we will find a new file called "VEHTXD2.txd".
Now we should look for a LED Backlight Mod which suits your taste.
Maybe you will find one which you like else it might be worth to check this LED Lights by NitroN.

Once finished downloading a LED Backlight Mod it will contain the file "vehicle.txd" we will rename "vehicle.txd" to "VEHTXD2.txd" and then we will put it into the folder located at "GTA SA Main Folder\models\generic" If you already have a "VEHTXD2" then you can simply override it with the LED Backlight Mod you just downloaded and renamed.

Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)


The one you're using it's the same as mine xd.
What mods do you use foxy? Your GTA looks good.


I toyed a bit with the Settings from the ENBSeries modification and this was the end result.
Note: Water Effect from ENB only works if you use the "SAMPGraphicRestore.asi".
And i used the Infernus mod by Tor3to.
And ofcourse the backlights mod :)
Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)