How to extract your ND name colour

Started by mooman, August 13, 2015, 10:13:31 PM

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The ND name colour is in a weird format on the website but it can be converted easily to something you can use elsewhere like on this server.

First go to and paste the colour code (eg, -255) into the 'Decimal' box. Then click "Convert to binary". Now in the second section you will see something like "0xFFFFFF01 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000001 ". You must take the first six digits after "0x", and before "01". Eg, in the example 0xFFFFFF01 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000001. This is your colour code which you can use with /namecolour (code) , or for general use online.

If you wish to know the red green blue values of this colour (ie. what you entered originally) you can go to and paste the code you just got.  The example colour I used FFFFFF = 255 255 255 (full values for all primary colours = white!). You can use these with /namecolour too, with /namecolour r g b