How to become admin

Started by mooman, August 24, 2015, 07:48:19 PM

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The number one rule to becoming an admin is this:
Don't ask

You may think you're a hidden gem but you should know that that we are continually considering every player without being asked. If you:
- are mature
- are helpful
- follow the server rules
- don't pester admins
- send accurate and useful reports
and especially
- don't ask to be admin

you will be promoted. If after waiting a long time you still haven't been promoted, you clearly don't fit one of the above criteria. And asking about it will only worsen your chances of being promoted.


I am helpful , I am pro , I've been following since the new dawn , I'm open every hour every day , on the server, so trick
, Please I want to be admin  ???


You just broke 1 of the criteria..oops


I'am sorry.What did I do.I really want the Admin.Admins are not active.Server is ALL HACKS.I am 7/24 online.I'm in the game even when you're talking to.Let me be the first level admin.Pleaseeeeeeeee   :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\  . new dawn has been much to say. I have also experience of admin. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE


mooman , please I want to be admin  pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


Bumping this because more people need to read it.


Bumping again. Read this, new players.


Ojala pongan administración lo antes posible, el servidor ayudará y mejorará.