[REQ]Duty of proof for level 1 admins!

Started by Astron, August 26, 2015, 02:15:19 PM

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I saw some admins here who are banning people just through reports. They didnt spectated them or something else. So I want to prevent fail bans by new admins with this request! Maybe some admins (I won´t say the name) don´t like someone, they will mute him for a word like "noob, stfu" or something like that. I want to avoid this!

When someone got muted, banned or whatever and he did a ban appeal, the admin should be able to proof the accuracy of the punishment!

I hope for a discussion :)


Definitely agree, admins shouldn't ban based on speculation and should always be ready to back up their ban with evidence in a potential appeal by the banned player. And regarding a specific case: if you're an admin and aren't experienced in the gamemode you should not ban people for "impossible" records without consulting with other admins and even good players.