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Started by mooman, August 08, 2015, 11:00:50 AM

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Nice job, but as i can see on " Maps " this Alien Experience doesn't exist anymore, because i try once to buy it ig


That map is just for edm, edm maps can't be bought in dm and vice versa, but we still have few exceptions, some maps are in both modes.


Script updates:
  • Added checks to ensure that if you go through a pickup in DM, you will always pick it up.
  • New colours for every mode in the HUD etc.
  • If you hold 2 in DD, you will now see the pickups in the radar map
  • Fancy camera effects during map loading
  • "Go to page" option added in /maplist
  • You can now show/hide invisible objects while training in DM by pressing N.


New maps


[EDIT] new maps thanks to Xero, and thanks to Silverhawk for the previous ones!




And more are to come