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Started by mooman, August 08, 2015, 11:00:50 AM

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3 new DM maps (341)



3 new DM maps (344)


3 new DM maps (343)



40 new DM maps



EDM added

50% sale! Campers and maps now cost half as much.


The donation page is now finally working. Please read the terms carefully before making a donation.


/buymap now works with parts of names if they're unique. eg /buymap defia will buy Defiance or /buymap fury 2 will buy Inner_Fury_2. But /buymap inner won't work because it could refer to either Inner_Fury or Inner_Fury_2.


- You now can't buy the same map over and over again.
- HDM added for pros. You have to type /hdm to enter it because it's not on the menu.
- Half-price sale ended for /buymap but not for campers.
- Map buying and campers made slightly cheaper than before, and free if you're the only player. Despite being free you will still die if you don't "buy" the $0 camper so consider turning /autocamp on to do it automatically.


12 new dm maps


Also fixed 2 bugged maps:

Now the water won't reach the track anymore.\

added 11 more dm maps


And 5 edm ones:


Script updates
- Maps and camper price changes. They are (mostly) cheaper, espe.
- Improvements to vehicle pickups but some more refinement is needed. In some cases it may be necessary to edit the pickups manually rather than the code and I'm working on something that allows admins to do this in game.
- Autologin added
and other less visible improvements


Script updates

  • The script no longer allows proxy/VPN IP addresses to connect to the server. Anyone connecting via such a service is recommended to start connecting directly but won't be punished beyond the banning of the proxy/VPN IP, unless they are also ban evading.
  • Ignore system!
    • /togpm
    • /ignores
    • /ignore <player|all> <pm|chat|all>
    • /unignore <player|all> <pm|chat|all>

    • /ignore mooman pm - ignore PMs from mooman
    • /unignore mooman pm - unignore PMs from mooman
    • /ignore mooman chat - ignore chat messages from mooman
    • /unignore mooman chat - unignore chat messages from mooman
    • /ignore mooman all - ignore PMs and chat messages from mooman
    • /unignore mooman all - unignore PMs and chat messages from mooman
    • /togpm - ignore or stop ignoring all PMs
    • /ignore all pm - ignore all PMs
    • /unignore all pm - stop ignoring all PMs
    • /ignore all chat - ignore all chat
    • /unignore all chat - stop ignoring all chat
    • /ignore all all - ignore all PMs and chat
    • /unignore all all - stop ignoring all PMs and chat
    • /ignores - list ignores
  • /mode <player> (aka /id) - shows id and current mode of player.
    • /id moo
    • /mode 1


Script updates
  • /maps
    Shows a list of maps available in the current mode with options to buy maps or, if applicable to the current mode, view detailed top times
  • AutoAdmin now kicks AFK players when the server needs more free player slots
  • AutoAdmin now sends idle players to AFK. Idle players are defined as anyone who stays paused for 10 minutes or does not move at all for one minute.
  • /translate (/tr) and /writechat (/wc)
    These commands translate text from one language to another. /translate sends the result to you and /writechat sends the result directly to the chat as if you had typed it. The format is /translate [from code] [to code] [text]. The codes can be accessed by typing /translate alone.
    • /translate - View list of language codes
    • /translate en fr Hello - Translate "Hello" from English (code: en) to French (code: fr) so you will receive "Bonjour" back.
    • /writechat en fr Hello - Translate "Hello" from English (code: en) to French (code: fr) and then writes it in the chat, so everyone will see for example "[DM] mooman [4]: Bonjour" as though you had written it directly
    Some common language codes are es for Spanish, en for English, ru for Russian, pt for Portuguese.
  • /song, /wa now support non English characters (including Cyrillic, Arabic, Urdu, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai)
  • The server has finally been taught how to say Strawberries!


More script updates
  • Cars spawning in same place problem fixed
  • Players can no longer PM players who can't PM them
  • /ask <question for admins>


This week's updates:

  • Win streaks in DD and DM. Your highest is saved to your /stats.
  • Temporary bans and improved tempmutes
  • Speedometer now works while spectating, showing the speed of the player you're spectating
  • /Autocamp now won't buy a camper for you if you have a Hunter
  • Top times table on screen during map start and after someone gets a Hunter. You can toggle it to show during the map by pressing 2 (or mmb while in spec) or by typing /togtimes. This setting is saved to your account.
  • Faster map loading when the same map is loaded again.
  • Various bug fixes


Website update
- Improvements to Map pages. About half the DM maps now have videos. Example: