[DDC] Drunken Drivers Clan

Started by Silentkiller, September 13, 2015, 04:39:53 PM

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We are about to reopen DDC with EvooX . Anyone would like to join DDC. should talk to me or EvooX in game or here.
Topic about to be updated


Quote from: Fukkatsu on September 14, 2015, 08:00:54 PM
lal i wanna join  ;D

You already joined urL without any1 inviting,so it won`t be a problem for you to join DDC.
Remove urL tag.


Lemme say something, before u post any bullshits you should ask permission to DrifboyZ, and I dont think he will give you, cause u weren't in DDC, even Evoox.
Anyways, after that, if you remember, I kept DDC alive for a while as "leader", while DriftboyZ was in "ftw". So you had to ask me, and u didnt.
So please inform yourself, and I will be pleased if anyone remove or lock this topic.
Thanks for ur time.

Edit :
Pic got in DriftboyZ's chat.



Random owned all your letters wich you type lol