[RFH] Rush For Hunters

Started by Foxy, September 09, 2015, 06:50:51 PM

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Here is a little story about RFH!
RFH Started on the 13-05-14 on a Server called (New Dawn Community) by Zomdom And Snappy!
We started as an EDM clan, But fast enough we became a pro EDM Clan!
So we decided to test DM, It was hard there but our members trained really hard and now we can say that we are a good DM clan!
Our members are Friendly, Mature, Fighters, Funny and much more!
RFH is not a clan based on skills like the most clans are!
RFH is based on teamwork, fun, family and Loyalty!
RFH is now One Year Old, have fun!

Lilsnappy - 19 (Former)

Zomdom - 17 (Former)


Foxy - 21


Cvele - 16




Tirke360 -

Makcless  -

Reborn -




Clan Rules:
1. Respect everybody! In the Clan Or Not!
2. Be active!
3. Don't insult other players! If they insult you, use the /report command or the report section (applies for rule-1 too)
4. Never camp!
5. No Multi-Claning! You can't be in 2 clans, you can be in 1 clan and 1 group!
6- Never Break the Server Rules!
If you Are Caught Breaking this Rules, you will get kicked from the clan!

Welcome to RFH's recruitment!

We have made this incase that you want to join us!
But before that you join, we would like to know some things about you!
Read before applying:
We are ONLY looking for Mature DD/DM players at the moment!

Member applications are currently: OPEN.

Your application must have the following Format:

General Information:-Name:-
In-game name:-
If yes, why you were banned?:-
All Previous nicknames:-
All Previous clans:-
Why did you leave or got kicked from your previous clan?:-
Most played modes:-

Clan Questions:-
Why would you like to join to RFH?:-
Were you in RFH before?
If yes, why did you leave or got kicked?:-
If yes, why should we accept you again?:-
What do you think you can add to RFH?:-
Are you friendly to everybody?:-
Do you want to add something else?:

You Want to Clan War Against RFH?
Make sure you accept our clan war rules!

1- Do Not Camp
2- Do Not Wait for Nos if you drifted/bounced!
3- The Player who gets further in the map gets the point!
4- No Clan Member Map, Any map made by a player of the clan is not allowed!
5- Do Not shoot at Opponents Vehicles when getting Hunter!
6- If The last players in the map fail at the same part, a round redo will be made!
7- No Rockets Spray, clan war default rule, Means "3 rockets in less than 3 seconds"
Rules made by our leader!

If you want to Clan War against us Please, accept our rules and contact a Clan War Manager!
Note: This Rules also apply for our members, We Play Fair!

Total CWs: 0
Won CWs: 0
Lost CWs: 0
Tied CWs: 0

Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)


I created the Topic already, just need to wait 3 days until i can change my Clan Tag, Cvele too.
If i forgot someone on the "Member" List please tell me.

And yes we reopen.
Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)





Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)



Hey bro, good luck with you clan.  ::)