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Messages - Sam

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General Server Discussion / General Discussion rules.
August 28, 2015, 01:04:58 AM
General Discussion Rules

Please ensure you adhered to these rules. Failure to do so will either resolve in your post/thread being delete/moved or infractions given.

Please respect people's posts and their discussions. Any insults or flaming you will be infracted.
Any thread without a post for 12-14 days will be archived.
Any thread started in the improper section will be moved. If continued, you will be infracted.
Please stick to the thread's OP and topic. For example, in the IRL Pic thread. Post pics, less talk.
Please use the "REPORT POST" option on the bottom of the post if you feel like you have been insulted, etc, etc. This saves and helps the admins, or feel free to PM an adminstrator.
There will be an allowance of ONE forum game within the General Discussion. If any more start, they both will be archived and no forum games will be allowed within this section. Please adhered to rule 3 also.
Any threads with the intent to upset or to cause an upset within the community will be archived.
Please do not double post. Edit your first post.

Please respect and follow these rules. These are also only a basic guideline, they may changed or be changed at any given time.

Admins have the full right to overrule these general discussion rules within reason.

If you feel like you can contribute with newer rules, please feel free to PM mooman.

Thank you.