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Messages - Colg8

Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
October 20, 2015, 05:24:41 AM
1.In-game name: Colg8
2.Real life name: bitchplsnorealnameoninternet
DM/DD score: 1500+
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): 6/10
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 8/10
6.Where are you from: SE Asia
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 8/10
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: cuz timez in here and many pros that i could learn from to improve my skill gradually
Off-Topic / Re: Your cell phone you currently have
September 16, 2015, 08:07:51 AM
LG Optimus G
Off-Topic / Re: Introduce yourself!
September 16, 2015, 08:05:58 AM
Hey!!! -__________- im Colg8 (colgate, the toothpaste) and im noob. That's it, Bye suckers!