Hi again Strawberries player.Well some
player don't know how to change their name. So this guide will help
you to change your name.
Firstly, you must go to this page:Click Here
or you can see at the top and press Tools.
After you click that , then click the 'Rename'.
You must read this first, "You can only change your clan once a
week and your full name once a month. No exceptions will be
made to this limit so think hard about your new name or clan before
committing to it! All changes will be logged and available for everyone to
view on this page. Using this tool to change your name
that is against the rules, (including but not limited to, racist names
and names that attempt to impersonate admins) will result in either a
kick or a ban and your name being changed
back to what it was before."
After you read it , as there you can see the "Current name and Password" , put your
current name and password there in the blank box.
You can change clan too.Press the "Change name" and put your new name their.Choose a suitable
name and press "NEXT"
Good Luck.
player don't know how to change their name. So this guide will help
you to change your name.
Firstly, you must go to this page:Click Here
or you can see at the top and press Tools.
After you click that , then click the 'Rename'.
You must read this first, "You can only change your clan once a
week and your full name once a month. No exceptions will be
made to this limit so think hard about your new name or clan before
committing to it! All changes will be logged and available for everyone to
view on this page. Using this tool to change your name
that is against the rules, (including but not limited to, racist names
and names that attempt to impersonate admins) will result in either a
kick or a ban and your name being changed
back to what it was before."
After you read it , as there you can see the "Current name and Password" , put your
current name and password there in the blank box.
You can change clan too.Press the "Change name" and put your new name their.Choose a suitable
name and press "NEXT"
Good Luck.