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Messages - ShankZ

Hi again Strawberries player.Well some
player don't know how to change their name. So this guide will help
you to change your name.

Firstly, you must go to this page:Click Here
or you can see at the top and press Tools.
After you click that , then click the 'Rename'.

You must read this first, "You can only change your clan once a
week and your full name once a month. No exceptions will be
made to this limit so think hard about your new name or clan before
committing to it! All changes will be logged and available for everyone to
view on this page. Using this tool to change your name
that is against the rules, (including but not limited to, racist names
and names that attempt to impersonate admins) will result in either a
kick or a ban and your name being changed
back to what it was before."

After you read it , as there you can see the "Current name and Password" , put your
current name and password there in the blank box.
You can change clan too.Press the "Change name" and put your new name their.Choose a suitable
name and press "NEXT"

Good Luck.
Suggestions / Re: DJ Music system thread.
April 19, 2016, 09:18:20 AM
love the idea
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
April 16, 2016, 02:02:21 PM
Quote from: DriftStyle on March 25, 2016, 11:57:43 AM
What would you do as an Admin?:As an admin,I will help punish hackers and abusers in game (like kicking or muting them) and I will continue help players with all I can when I'm online and at the forums, I will help this server by posting some suggestions etc.. or post some bugs...

Quote from: ShankZ on December 14, 2015, 07:53:06 AM
What would you do as an Admin?:As an admin,I will help punish hackers and abusers in game (like kicking or muting them) and I will continue help players with all I can when I'm online and here in the forums and I will be do my best to be a much mature admin,I will also try to think good suggestions for the server.

Duhh...I will modify my application then..
Hi every players in Strawberries ,many rule breakers are
joining the server and admin can't ban/kick/warn them maybe
because there is no admin online or they are AFK.
Those who don't know how to
report hackers ,then I'll show you how to do it.

A few things you should not do if you are
reporting hackers in-game if an admin is online or report a rule breaker in forum.

DO NOT shout on the
public chat like "ID 10 is a hacker"
while an admin is online.The hacker will turn his
hack off if you shout like that.

DO NOT say that you have already report him.
He might leave the server and admin can't ban the hacker.
The hacker wait until the admin is leaving the server and the
hacker will join the server

If you want to report an advertiser just PM
to the admins at forum so everyone can't go to the advertised server.


You must take a best evidence so the admins can punish the player.
You can take a screenshot through using F8
and you will find the screen Documents.


You can make the report here:Report players here
and press the "REPLY". Once you
have press that and then you put the name
of the player and what did the player do:

<Player name>

Posting a screenshot:

1.Press F8 to take a screenshot.
2.You will find the pic in your Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\screens.
3.Upload the image at any Image hosting site like
4.Once Your image is uploaded there, get the url of the image by right click\Copy image URL.
5.Paste the URL on the forum as shown.
[img]URL[ /img]

I'm just posting this to help a player to report a
rule breaker because maybe they do not how to report a
rule breaker while admin is not in-game and report the
player to the forum.Hope it's working to everyone.
Clans / Re: DvT - Divergent.
April 02, 2016, 01:25:53 AM
How about rules? and "Good Luck" mate...
Quote from: мαsтяσ on December 23, 2015, 09:26:46 PM
i think mooman is gonne shut down this server, cuz there is no players online. always 5-10 its not popular anymore while EG is open, many players are leave this server only because of that server :)
I think so.
Clans / Re: CLAN NAME [HF] Hunter Freaks
December 18, 2015, 02:00:28 PM
Good luck.
Mapping / Map : BriaN ft. MoweR ft. SleepY - Dope 2 Drop
December 14, 2015, 08:16:15 AM
I present you BriaN ft. MoweR ft. SleepY - Dope 2 Drop.And, this is awesome map. :D

▷ OMFG! What an amazing map! Even if it looks hard or bugged I can tell you this map is easier as you might thought. The ideas aren't bugged! Deco is cool aswell great job.

General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
December 14, 2015, 07:53:06 AM
Hello guys my real life name is Shankly ,so that's way
my in-name is ShankZ.
I'm 15 years old and I'm from Malaysia.
I decided to apply again because someone copied my application.

In-game name:


How long you playing on Strawberries:
-For few months,I guess...I believe

Why you want to be an Admin of Strawberries:[/color
-Sometimes there aren't admins online and a lot of hackers in-game who
forcing the players to quit, of course nobody wants to play on a server where there are unfair players. There are a lot of rule breakers who are
abusing others, spamming like a crazy and flooding as
well when we have
no admins in-game. Hackers know if there are no admin online and they abusing hack and when admin coming ingame they turning it off or leaving.
It's really annoying. I want to keep the server clean to don't let anybody quit because of hackers so the server would have more players. Sometimes we have bored
players who want to quit but I want to make events to pleasure and cheer
them. I want to make the first impression good
of the new players also so they will come back to play in our server.
I'm active everyday so I can help the server.

Any past experience?:
-Yes I'm an admin in a TDM server and I know
all the admin's commands

Are you able to work in a team:
-Of course , I will

Have you been banned from this server:
-Seriously no , I don't.

Are you only here for admin? :
-Nope, I'm here to meet my friends and have fun with them and the new players,
find new friends, help anybody who need it, and keep
the server rule breaker free.

What would you do as an Admin? :
- Make events
- Kick hackers until a level 4 or above admin comes / report them
- Mute spammers, flooders and insulters
- Warn rulebreakers
- Help admins in hacker busting
- Report advertisers
- Help players in anything
- Don't let the server be rulebreakers' playground

Able to be active (how long)?:
-I active about 2-3 hour.when I have time to play , I can be more active.

Development / Re: Your most desired feature
December 02, 2015, 02:40:51 PM
1./lastseen [FULL NAME]
Shows when a player joined the server the last time.
*>playername< has been seen on xx/xx/xxxx
If used on an online player:
*>playername< has been online for xx:xx hour/minute

2.Chat box.Forum idea.
Maybe we can put a chat box on the Home page of the Forums. Here you can tell admins to ban a hacker, or just chat with your friends. Also, Maybe you can make a Private-chat box with online players, for if you need to talk about something, or just want to have a chat, and the player is not on the server.

3./id player to see player is online/afk
Example:nC.ShankZ is online/afk for 2 hours

4.Add /shop you can buy something to make your car look nice and buy something at your body,hat,leg.

5.Avoid shouting hack such as, cheater,hacker,hack  the anti system said 'Please use /report or report in forum' and If someone said fuck,bitch,asshole,maddafakka,and anti system said 'Dont Insult any players'

6.Add /allmaps to see all maps at DM/EDM/DD.

7.Add anti advertising system,if someone shows the IP of the server,he/she got banned.

Clans / Re: ♚ ηc - ηιтяσ cιяcυs ♚
October 31, 2015, 11:50:17 AM
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
October 30, 2015, 04:07:00 AM
Ok BlackY.
Off-Topic / Re: I want introduce my self.
October 28, 2015, 06:52:07 AM
Damn.Thanks for the info. ;)
Off-Topic / Re: I want introduce my self.
October 27, 2015, 05:38:11 AM
Ok.What is your name in game? :)
Off-Topic / I want introduce my self.
October 26, 2015, 12:59:09 PM
 O hi . i m shankly . i m making this message more longer wow.