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Messages - uJelly.

Unban Requests / Unban Appeal [Bug?]
April 09, 2016, 05:54:14 PM
IG NAME: uJelly.
IP Address: 212.34.20.XXX
Mode: DD/DM
Admin Who banned you: I've no idea.
Explaination: I didn't do anything I just got the server ip from someone to join because I wanted to join again since I got a new PC and I tried joining it keeps giving me "Connecting to ... the server ip" then "Server closed the connection" I don't know if I'm banned or what the hell happend.
Unban Requests / Re: [Unban Appeal] [urL]uJelly.
November 05, 2015, 11:11:24 PM
Please reply.
Unban Requests / Re: [Unban Appeal] [urL]uJelly.
November 05, 2015, 01:45:56 PM
Is this gonna stay empty without replies?
Unban Requests / [Unban Appeal] [urL]uJelly. [UNBANNED]
November 03, 2015, 04:23:40 PM

Explaination: First of all yes I spammed, and a guy was using my name too was spamming he was using some kind of hack to change his name to mine and I got unbanned in game idk how and got banned for ban evading I'm not ban evading I came in game to see who banned me and when,
and that guy pissed me off so I started spamming too I wanna apologize because he was pissing me off.
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
October 21, 2015, 02:11:41 PM
1.In-game name: uJelly.
2.Real life name: Won't Tell
3.DM/DD score: 1611 atm
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): 10/10 I just need to know where to go and I know what to press.
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 9/10
6.Where are you from: Jordan its an arabian country.
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 9.5/10
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Because I'm interested in it, it has mature members and its skilled.