IG NAME: uJelly.
IP Address: 212.34.20.XXX
Mode: DD/DM
Admin Who banned you: I've no idea.
Explaination: I didn't do anything I just got the server ip from someone to join because I wanted to join again since I got a new PC and I tried joining it keeps giving me "Connecting to ... the server ip" then "Server closed the connection" I don't know if I'm banned or what the hell happend.
IP Address: 212.34.20.XXX
Mode: DD/DM
Admin Who banned you: I've no idea.
Explaination: I didn't do anything I just got the server ip from someone to join because I wanted to join again since I got a new PC and I tried joining it keeps giving me "Connecting to ... the server ip" then "Server closed the connection" I don't know if I'm banned or what the hell happend.