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Messages - Stig

Off-Topic / Re: Independent Day: Indonesia! 70th!
November 04, 2015, 04:53:42 PM

PS: it's Independence day
Bug reports / Re: Report broken maps here
November 02, 2015, 07:18:21 AM
Map: Chaos Theory
Bug: Last part, maverik falls in water, either add invisible platform or change maverik to a plane
Bug reports / Minor Bugs
October 30, 2015, 09:34:36 AM
Some minor bugs, fixing which would result in a smoother gameplay:

1. Vehice Change
Whenever there is a vehicle change, the vehicle takes a sort of a "mini jump" which sometimes results in the vehicle jumping out of the map. a smoother lag-less change is needed (if possible).

2. Vehicle Spawn (aerial ones)
in maps in which vehicles are supposed to be frozen at a position and then fall into place after the countdown is over pose problems since, during the countdown itself, the vehicles starts falling without the control of the driver.