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Messages - LastShot

General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
March 27, 2016, 05:31:32 PM
Nick: LastShot
Country: Turkey/Erzurum
How old or you:[/b] 17
Score: 5ok+
Activiy: Well i'm active on server everyday, reporting players helping admins etc
Languages: Turkish,English and Germany(not much good)
Most played modes: DD/DM
Why do you want to becone an admin:First of all i'm respecting all rules /players/admins etc, i'm trying to be friendly with them, and I do my bestto help the server as much as necessary, applying every bug related server and now I want to some opportunities, to become admin to worry even more, although I worry enough without admin positions, but sometimes some players come when no admins, break the rules and used some shit like that so i can learn, i am always online any admins online, that they be banned, and so that's why I applied - Sorry if not good English, but at least something can understand what I was saying