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Messages - Bengo

Unban Requests / Re: Special Case
April 01, 2016, 05:42:35 PM
Oh finally! Thanks,mate. :)
Unban Requests / Special Case
April 01, 2016, 04:58:46 PM
- Bengo
- 41.235.*.*
- Agus
- "Multiple Evasions"
- Hey you there, My games name is Bengo. It was my first time to join the server last week. Ryder invited me. When I join I receive an announcement "Banned" with the details which are above. I do not really know why I am banned  what is more I have not registered yet. I asked Ryder to help me telling you that I am banned with no reason but he couldn't. I always want to join the server to enjoy my time but I can not.

( I will be active on the forum to respond your replies )

I hope you will find a solution for this problem.

Thanks for your care!