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Messages - iRaiden

Clans / [KekZ] - The Cookies
April 10, 2016, 03:56:29 PM
KekZ was firstly founded as a MTA german Destruction Derby clan in 2010 by Fynn.
Later on, a Deathmatch Racing team was created too. KekZ is an abbreviated form of the german words "Die Kekse" that in English means "The Cookies".
I got the idea to get KekZ clan to SA:MP and so to Strawberries server so i asked for permissions and now here i am, founding it with my friend EvooX on the 10/04/2016.
If you ever asked yourself (I don't know why you should tho), no, this isn't a german clan. We just like to let the clan name as it was founded with, to keep our tradition and loyalty to it. :)

Rule N1: Respect the rules and respect others.
Rule N2: Be loyal to the clan, no fights, toxic members will be kicked.
Rule N3: Have fun. It's a game, not a real war. no need to fight or to start insulting each others, be a good person and be mature.
Rule N4: We ask you to be the most active you want or you can. You can be inactive if you have a good reason to. Also, if there's a member who's inactive but has been very loyal to us, we won't kick him. After all, he's part of the family.







If you're interested in joining KekZ, you must add me on skype ( ID: angelino299 ) and we'll talk about it.

KekZ SA:MP's Leader, iRaiden  :P
Clans / Re: Tc. The Crew
April 08, 2016, 05:45:16 PM
Actually The Crew clan is originally from MTA and i don't see any permissions to copy it or to open it here on straw... ( )

So yeah maybe change name?