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Messages - HaiderKhan

Unban Requests / Re: Unban request
April 21, 2016, 02:20:46 PM
Ingame name : maradona
admin who banned: JESSY
Why : i am from pakistan and url.abdullah is also form pakistan and he lives in my city so thats why out ip adresses match but am not that abddullah pls UNBAN ME
Unban Requests / Re: Unban Requets
April 10, 2016, 02:41:46 PM
Quote from: HaiderKhan on April 10, 2016, 02:41:16 PM
In-Game Name: ftw.KinnG
Baned by: Keyboard
Reason: Ban Evade
Reason(s) why we should unban you: Admin : keyboard banned any player and then after 5 seconds i logged in and he pm ed me that r u Ban evading i didnot answered because i was playing [on the map
] and he thought that am not telling him and he Banned me he thaught am that player which he banned SO PLS UNBAN ME I LOVE STRAWBERIES-DM  dis is the best server in samp for me :[
Unban Requests / Unban Requets
April 10, 2016, 02:41:16 PM
In-Game Name: ftw.KinnG
Baned by: Keyboard
Reason: Ban Evade
Reason(s) why we should unban you: Admin : keyboard banned any player and then after 5 seconds i logged in and he pm ed me that r u Ban evading i didnot answered because i was playing [on the map
] and he thought that am not telling him and he Banned me he thaught am that player which he banned SO PLS UNBAN ME I LOVE STRAWBERIES-DM  dis is the best server in samp for me :[
April 10, 2016, 02:38:25 PM
HI my name is Haider ingame name KinnG need help  HOW TO MAKE A UNBAN REQ ?