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Messages - Agus

Unban Requests / Re: [mP]Rick - [nC]Fukkatsu
November 15, 2015, 09:07:22 PM
I checked the chatlogs, and considering you at least: sent PMs advertising another server to 6 people, advertised the other server posting its IP and name in the main chat 3 times and multiple times you invited people to ''come [another server] because this server is shit and has shit maps'', you'll be banned for 6 months.

You'll be unbanned on May 2nd of 2016. Every time you evade the ban (join the server while being banned) 1 week will be added to your unban date.
Unban Requests / Re: SCiwastedZ - harassment
November 09, 2015, 03:19:45 PM
Uhm... admins shouldn't be banning each other, you're supposed to be professional, and banning another admin is childish. Specially a ban for something that can be talked, if you have a problem with what he says, just tell him in pm to stop (well, or admin chat), I can't imagine a situation that would require a ban.

Unban Requests / Re: Ban evade= WHAT????
November 01, 2015, 06:14:13 PM
You were not unbanned, there's not even an admin named viper, so please stop ban evading.
Unban Requests / Re: Superman Mod
September 05, 2015, 12:38:30 AM
You'll be unbanned on 4/09/2017. Do not evade the ban or you'll add 1 week to the unban date for every time you evade it.
Suggestions / Re: A few suggestions
September 03, 2015, 12:26:53 AM
Quote from: Platypus on September 02, 2015, 09:19:56 PM
-A cmd to be able to reply to pm's faster, by simply typing /r <msg>

Already exists, but it's /rm, replies to the last person that sent you a pm.
Unban Requests / Re: Michael's Ban appeal
August 29, 2015, 09:16:52 PM
Do what you want, blackmailing me isn't going to make me unban you any sooner.

Btw this won't get you unbanned, just so you know...

Unban Requests / Re: Michael's Ban appeal
August 29, 2015, 08:49:51 PM
Quote from: Michael on August 29, 2015, 08:22:41 PM
Quote from: mooman on August 29, 2015, 06:38:59 PM
It's October already?

Sorry wrote the date of ban wrongly , Btw I'm wiating 2 days for unfairly ban , isn't it bullshit?

He asked because your PC thinks it's october.

You said you have a video and ''a lot of proof'', you don't, you said I banned without specing, even when there's no way you could possibly know that, now you said you've been banned for 2 days? Just to play the victim? You were banned today at 00:01, it hasn't even been a whole day since your ban, so stop lying.

I was already sure about the ban but your lack of credibility makes me even more sure. You'll be unbanned in 2 years, unless you evade the ban, in which case a week will be added to the unban date for each evasion.
Unban Requests / Re: Michael's Ban appeal
August 29, 2015, 06:00:10 PM
Please upload your video, it might make me unban you since in your video from your screen there will be no lag, so it will all be clearer.
Unban Requests / Re: Michael's Ban appeal
August 29, 2015, 05:43:37 PM
I was not ignoring you, I was busy with things and just now I can open this. How could you even know if I banned you without spectating? Please don't take as true assumptions you made that you can't even possibly know.  If you have a video of when you got banned please upload it.
Unban Requests / Re: Michael's Ban appeal
August 29, 2015, 01:49:13 AM
First, your ping was not 500-600, it was a lot less and I can tell because A, you were not lagging at all (and trust me that you would if you really had that ping, specially being from egypt which is not super far from the server), and B, because your car image in my screen wasn't as delayed as it should have been if you really had that ping.

Also, I can differentiate lag from moving mid-air to the road in the typical airbrake's motion with fixed movements (not sure how to explain the kind of movement in a better way but i'm sure those who have seen airbrakes will understand).