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Messages - Tyker

Suggestions / new system of god points
November 21, 2017, 09:50:57 PM
It would be great to change the points system of the god (EDM / DD / DM), since it is very easy to get points in the tournament, especially as some players do.

Here I will leave the points in case they agree to accept my suggestion ..

Example 1: There are 15 players participating

The last survivor gets = 15 points and thus decreases the points according to those who die.

Example 2:

"List of deaths"

15th Tyker = 15 points

14th Rosberg = 13 points

13th Mooman = 11 points

12th Zomboy = 9 points

11th Spy = 8 points

10th Viic = 6 points

9th MadmaTT = 4 points

8th Xer0 = 2 points

7th Makcless = 1 point

6th 66nos = Do not earn points

5th ASD = Do not earn points



Toptime 1 = 10 points

Toptime 2 = 10 points

Toptime 3 = 10 points

Toptime 4 = 10 points

Toptime 5 = 10 points

get the hunter = 10 points

PS: I do not know if that point system is fine, just give an example.

PD2: If I'm missing something or want to change to improve it, you can comment here and I edit the post! ..


Tyker ..
Unban Requests / Re: Unban Request
November 18, 2017, 10:43:28 PM
I was speaking in Portuguese with him, and we only talked about the server had many campers and had a bit of errors and that if he knew another server.

Vale shows the screenshots to see who is lying.
Unban Requests / Unban Request
November 18, 2017, 06:43:13 PM



"Disrespecting server!"

What was going on?, I was not talking bad about the server, we just said that I had a bit of errors and that's right, and he had told us that it was not forbidden to speak in another language in the chat! ...
I know, then I realized

1) First of all, I come here to make a claim about the GOD tournament. As you have noticed in the last few days since the GOD started playing, many players have been seen cheating (Camping) on ​​the maps. the administrators must attentive and supervising the tournament since any child can enter to make time on a map and win the tournament in this way which the other players bother us, including me (I am too upset).

2) I also wanted to know what the GOD points system is like, the other time my friend Madmatt got top5 and only got 3 points, If 3 points !, they could fix that and decrease the points for each map, since it is very easy to get points in the tournament.

3) Create a system of "warns" to begin to comply with the rules and thus have a more stable and orderly community.

If you want I could take care of making the points system for the GOD and send them to the administrator in charge of that!

Sincerely: Tyker.
Clans / 2S - Too Skilled
November 04, 2017, 03:23:11 PM

Hello, Me are the founder of Too skilled. Once you are accepted in 2S we will consider you as a brother to us,

As well if you join our clan, you might earn our respect and we will defend you from anything, because we

are an united family. We will never leave you alone.

Listen and respect staff members and leaders

To be able to speak english with fluently


















* = Inactive

Total members: 17

Last update: 04/11/2017

If you are interested in joining, tell to a leader in-game and we will see if we accept you.


Designs made by Tyker and Zomboy