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Messages - Rock

General Server Discussion / Where are admins!
February 04, 2018, 01:03:15 PM
For god sake i want a admin in game right now !!! Two fucking noobs fell the off map in Christains Map and Landed on Sa Map and there car has full health and they roam around the hole sa till 10mins pass .... This happens everymap they talk to each other and dont listen to us . I am tired of them...

1. Nemanja_Apro

2. Bogdan_Stanic

Do something against them...
General Server Discussion / Re: SA-MP 0.3.8
November 16, 2017, 09:33:38 AM
Excited this is gonna be huge update !
Unban Requests / Re: Ban Evade Exodus ??
November 06, 2017, 03:05:28 PM
Oh sorry my bad . Happened to me alot of times on other servers but when i looked at the page the ban looked serious .
Thanks Now.
Unban Requests / Ban Evade Exodus ??
November 06, 2017, 10:45:48 AM
Name : .Rock.
Time of ban : Unknown
Admin Who Banned: It Says Exodus

I dont why i am banned i played on this server the first time and today it says banned by Exodus reason Ban Evade
It also says ban Expires Never ?
May i know when i used the hacks or ever played on this server before ?
my IP : 177.205.277.XXX
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
November 04, 2017, 12:57:40 PM
IG NAME : .Rock.
Age: 20
About Me : I am From India playing Samp since 2012 . I have a decent experience about administration.
I encountered this problem in ND as well that no admin is online in my time . Players usually try to speed hack when no one is on and get a headstart for TT . And there is nobody to report to . Many maps are in touch with water and cars slow down because of it . They need a raise. Many players spam the whole chat and irritate the fuckin gameplay and make all sick . I am tired and this server needs active admins . All admins play Just DM no one in EDM and any other game mode . Players remains afk and buy camper and we have to wait long for any admin or autoadmin to sent him to menu .