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Messages - ENERGY

General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
August 09, 2018, 01:16:16 AM
• Hey guys with  that post i would like to apply as an Admin.
• Firstly some general Informations about me

• Ingame-Name: RFH.ENERGY
• Age: 17 years old
• Where i live: Germany, North Rhine Westphalia
• Activity:I'm online everyday, but im playing a lot of other games so im not that active on the Server. I spend several hours per day on the server and the admin status will motivate me to be more active.
• Languages: German and English

• Why i want to be an Admin •
So im a part of the community since early 2014 and the most known me, i havent spend a lot time on Strawberries, only in the time where ND was down. And i have seen that there are not that many admins online all the time, and i want to support the admin team with my activity. Im often active in the night. There are a lot troller and everything who has to get stopped. I want to help the Server by stopping all camper's, spammers/flooder, troller and of course cheater/hacker. It's annoying for everyone if there are cheater/hacker and many players are leaving because of them, this has to be stopped.

• If u have any questions feel free to ask
Contact: STEAM:
Discord:ENERGY#3934  or just ask ingame if u see me ;)

Greetings ENERGY