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Messages - potato

Wrong place to post a suggestion
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
November 02, 2017, 06:35:11 PM
Decided to make new application because things changed.

Full in-game name: Ozzubear

Age: 19

Location: Slovenia (born in Germany, I lived in Switz and England for few years)

Favorite mode: Race DM, DD


I joined SA-MP when it got released. I am able to speak 5 languages fluently, I am able to script and map (test maps, make maps, etc.). I have been trusted with administrator power on a lot of servers of all different types of gamemodes, take this few for examples:

UIF (web developer and in-game moderator)
EG (forum administrator)
XG (in-game moderator)
CrazyBob's CnR (lead moderator)
New Dawn (wasn't an admin but I was trusted with clanwar host rank, had admin power in cw server)

Why should we pick you over the other applicants: Everyone can say how amazing they are on an application and if you purely judge them on that then the chances are you will not be getting the whole truth. Some of the qualities I have that I think would make me a suitable moderator are listed below

Due to my upbringing I've learned from a young age that if you want respect from someone then you need to show them respect first and believe me that is something that I am more than willing to do. I also know that people are going to give me a tough time and others of them are going to question my judgement but that happens in everyday life and it's something that I do already deal with.

If someone asks for help then I am more than happy to help them out in whatever way I can.

Honest And Unbiased,
I will not lie to someone no matter who they are no matter what they have done to me or anybody else as something isn't worth saying if it isn't 100% honest. If you ask me a question then I will do my best to answer it and if I do then it will be the truth, however these questions need to be reasonable as I'm not going to just tell you my password and email address.

Again I already support people mentally and emotionally in day to day life and I would simply be transferring my skills across. I can't give any examples because whatever I hear from someone is strictly confidential if its about something in real life or about a serious topic.

People need support to grow into good leaders and role models, without the support they probably will still become good role models but it will take a lot longer to do so.

I work really well under pressure more so than when I'm not under pressure and I think this gives me a great advantage as no mater what is thrown at me I'll be capable of dealing with it, this could be an influx of reports or people asking for help. Also on this point I have a great memory which means if I see a name that I recognise then I will act accordingly to what my memory serves.
Suggestions / Re: new FM / Race
April 27, 2016, 06:28:06 PM
Freemode wouldnt be that bad after all but to be honest everyone knows it would be empty most of the time. Racing gamemode probably wont be added since mooman already owns a server with this kind of a gamemode so you can simply connect to it.

A link to his other server forums:
Suggestions / Re: Astron's suggestions
April 27, 2016, 10:47:23 AM
I am not pretty sure but I think they already have admin chat, car repair in training mode after warp would be useful, spec system probably already here as admin types "/spec <player id>" probably sends admin in the mode where the player is and automatically specs him. Those toptime disables are useless, if he finished it once he can probably do it again. Anti-spam would be a great feature, gets muted if a player wrote more than 5 messages in less than 5 seconds. Anti command spam is just useless, only report spam and ask spam should be kickable and bannable (first a kick as a warn and then a ban if continues). Pvp system already suggested, mooman is already working on a better clan system as far as I know and the bonuses are useless. /admins command restriction is not really needed here since most of the players already know admins.
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
April 26, 2016, 12:05:00 PM
And who deleted Mastros last two replies where he disrespected Physiks?
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
April 26, 2016, 05:44:21 AM
QuoteBlacky: I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL. 


+ Check my last post about urL clan.

Next time read carefully before application

What the fuck are you talking about? You said THIS server which means Strawberries DM since you posted it on THIS forums.
Anyway I wont discuss anything with you over here so you can contact me via PM's to make it clear.
Suggestions / Re: A whole new GM
April 25, 2016, 10:10:10 PM
Good to have support from admin side. ;)
Suggestions / A whole new GM
April 25, 2016, 06:53:00 PM
Hello folks!

So the mode I am suggesting is called Carball.

Explanation of the gamemode:

- Pretty same as a Rocket League
- This is version of football, but we play with cars.
- There has to be at least 2 players to start the match, you would be spawned in arena.
- At the start of a round players would make a vote about which car would they like to drive, possibilities of choosing is every car except few below:
• rhino,
• rc bandit,
• caddy,
• baggage,
• dumper,
• forklift,
• tractor,
• combine harvester,
• kart,
• sweeper,
• rc tiger,
• rc cam.
- Maximum amount of players in the mode would be 30 (12 vs 12 and there would be spectate mode, maximum amount of spectators would be 6, so together is 30).
- So in arena on both sides there would be a goal and you just have to score and/or defend the goal.
- Pressing on control (a.k.a. ctrl) or Right Mouse Button (a.k.a. RMB) would give you nitro.
- Pressing shift would make you jump in the air. Maximum would a double jump.
- Arena would be made by mappers(decorations should be visible in SAMP, so put these), there would be map limit like 10 maps.
- Player(s) who has scored more points is/are the winner(s).

How gamemode would look like?

- Rocket League

- You can easily look for a video on YouTube searching an MTA server which has this gamemode. (I dont want to post any links because it could be considered as advertising an MTA clan)

Please if you like it post a positive comment and if you don't like it then tell me a reason why, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask me. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes I am writing from my phone due my laptop got broken few days ago.

Suggestions / Re: DJ Music system thread.
April 18, 2016, 06:45:50 PM
+1 great idea
Development / Re: Your most desired feature
April 18, 2016, 03:32:23 PM
I see that you did a pretty nice work on new toptimes list design and a shortcut to toggle it. You know about my latest suggestions already since I private messaged you.
Clans / Re: Tc. The Crew
April 18, 2016, 03:28:50 PM
They don't need to change a name, because The Crews Gaming is founded in MTA and not in SAMP. Uh ah, still wish you a good luck!
Oh really? "It seems like a 10 years old writing an ban appeal" totally not making fun of his grammar..
Another way to see you are unprofessional.
Yes mooman I see that you did many good new stuff as anti-afk. I didn't know about your
special ability that allows you to wipe his other toptimes (great ability). And yeah I know that it takes some time
to make someone unprofessional a professional. Maybe you should start hiring already professional, experienced admins. I also noticed that admins mute players for "flooding" even if it's not flooding. Take this as an example:
[Global] Player 1: Hey folks!
[Global] Player 2: plaaaaaaaaaayyyyyeeeer 1 <333
This doesn't really deserve a mute, this a way to see that administrator is unprofessional, same for caps off as you said.

Making fun out of his grammar, pretty obvious and as you can see it doesnt look like a joke and player
could take it serious, I remember when you kicked someone with reason: Stop it niggachu and instantly cleared chat. If this is not a disrespect then something is wrong with you, you are also very unprofessional.
Good luck
I made this topic mainly for N. 4 because it really aint cool and it doesnt look like a joke in this situation, I am pretty sure if someone would make fun outta her grammar she wouldnt take it as a joke (neither would I).
About n. 1: He could tell me to send him a map name so he will be able to do it later
About admins going afk: The only problem here now is that sometimes when no other admin is online and
player/admin still get spawned then we've to wait, otherwise I dont have any problems if they dont go in /afk mode

Thanks for all your replies, lets wait for someone else now.

p.s. about ban durations, 2 years are little too much. A year could do it, a lot of things can happend like server closage,
samp closage and I dont really think someone would wait 2 years for a server. Look, I just want to improve things by letting you know, I respect most of your admins (includes you(Physiks), WeedO, mooman, 66_nos, Platypus, Jessy, Pandorra, Joanna, ..., WasteD, Stone, Exodus and Keyboard). Others I just don't know or aren't worth a respect.