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Messages - Phoebe

Clans / Re: [RFH] Rush For Hunters
September 10, 2015, 09:17:14 AM
Welcome back RFH,,,,,Good Luck :)
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
August 24, 2015, 08:32:02 PM
Hey mooman,,,since you have unbanned Mr.Troll and now he is back to the game,,he is causing me a problem :(
the second he joined he started to be rude to me and some other players..
i told him that we don't want him to be in urL any more and i kicked him from the clan ..
so he started to be even more rude...also he refused to leave the clan (/leavegroup)..
so i decided to report this to you mooman,,so you can help us with this..please make him leave urL and maybe punish him for his rudeness...
you can read the clan chat in the photos :

Off-Topic / Deez Nuts for president !
August 20, 2015, 10:28:01 PM
hey guys,,you got to watch this shit !!,,,   ,,,this is real 100%,,,it's a random teenage using the name Deez Nuts and running for a president,,lol,,,,soooooo funny