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Messages - Sarah

General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 13, 2015, 03:51:46 PM
Quote from: SPY on September 12, 2015, 03:44:28 PM
Quote from: Sarah on September 11, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
Why all insuits me
allowed insuits
Cuz u think cheating is allowed  :)

Damn again i don't use
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 11, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
Why all insuits me
allowed insuits
General Server Discussion / Report admin
September 11, 2015, 08:47:38 AM
Quote from: Exodus on September 10, 2015, 09:02:53 AM
Then explain me this please:

I tested it, no way you can get out there without nos.
Quote from: Sarah on September 10, 2015, 11:12:07 AM
Exxo you player dm good or new player
i pressed S and W+D then Space + D easy
i want play please, without kids?

Any problem more?

i don't have problem post video here
Astronaut why upping mouse for ban me?

Astronaut u sawing in video car downing speed low?

didn't have enough proofs , teleporting   fucking lie/ uneasy uneasy-uneasy
Quote from: asTroN on September 10, 2015, 10:37:24 AM
Hello, I want to add something to the post/video of Exodus in Sarahs ban appeal.
In this video ( you can see a spider hack. But thats not the first time he used this. I´ve got a video, too.
As everybody knows, SaMp isnt synced, so it will look for others that the cheater is falling down a little bit and teleports himself to previous position.
Just look at this:

Maybe it´s a lag, but maybe not   :)
there %10 lag
Its sarah not sarahs = headshot?

astron your face lol ?

any admin reply?
Quote from: Exodus on September 11, 2015, 08:22:20 AM
You will be unbanned on 10/09/2017.
In-game username:Sarah
Admin name who report:Exxo
Other information:Mooman that abuse no reason or no proofs you can saw video no Godmode/airbrke others
Quote from: Exodus on September 10, 2015, 09:02:53 AM
Then explain me this please:
I tested it, no way you can get out there without nos.
my friend watched days you lie
Then explain me this please you didn't test map?
So so that abuse?
Quote from: Exodus on September 10, 2015, 09:02:53 AM
Then explain me this please:
I tested it, no way you can get out there without nos.
i said you without kids astron others
Please mooman watch
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 11, 2015, 05:54:08 AM
Quote from: Timez on September 10, 2015, 11:15:23 PM
Dude,it's obviously that u using hack in that video.How could u stop there for around 2-3 sec?Normally after 1 sec,the vehicle will roll back.

Posts: 21 In-game name: Sarah

Re: Sarah's Ban appeal

« Reply #4 on: Today at 11:12:07 am »

Exxo you player dm good or new player
i pressed S and W+D then Space + D easy
i want play please, without kids?

In Exxo's video...

Yes,u pressed S to reverse and W+D to rotate your vehicle.Then space + D.I didn't see u press this 2 buttons in Exxo's video,Even u pressed the 2 buttons,It was still not possible to get up there.Space = slowdown ur speed,D = right/turn right.So that 2 buttons will not increase ur speed.
i can't reply kids now man
No new admin experience
i will open later forums hostname kidlost
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 10, 2015, 01:02:39 PM
you didn't no cmd /besthates hate me? un-easy really  all watched say"i didn't see hack u in videos or game man Sarah
SlimeTime / spookie / nrg / idk rosberg / riot admin / others players i didn't remember names
So without nos  , without admins u want astron
i'm not cheating
Ask slimetime sc map
map Through_the_jungle_II
that can shutup stop talk me?
EDITED only say hack sarah Spy/Astronaut/Lennard/ofcya or ofcye
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 10, 2015, 11:59:47 AM
Quote from: asTroN on September 10, 2015, 10:37:24 AM
Hello, I want to add something to the post/video of Exodus in Sarahs ban appeal.
In this video ( you can see a spider hack.I edied by sarah "you can see a kids here" But thats not the first time he used this. I´ve got a video, too.
As everybody knows, SaMp isnt synced, so it will look for others that the cheater is falling down a little bit and teleports himself to previous position.
Just look at this:

Maybe it´s a lag, but maybe not   :)
That video in hacks please go change your eyes then come back play astronaut
How many say , i have ask there admins check that you admin do action?
grow up
dont take the stupid child labour

Astron i have interrogatory u why you following me? or planning ban me?
Haha you need graft for grow up
only rules adhere

Thanks spy / rosberg more info keys man

Astron That bad aing for ban me?
Unban Requests / Re: Sarah's Ban appeal
September 10, 2015, 11:12:07 AM
Exxo you player dm good or new player
i pressed S and W+D then Space + D easy
i want play please, without kids?

Any problem more?

i don't have problem post video here
Astronaut why upping mouse for ban me?

Astronaut u sawing in video car downing speed low?

didn't have enough proofs , teleporting   fucking lie/ uneasy uneasy-uneasy
Quote from: asTroN on September 10, 2015, 10:37:24 AM
Hello, I want to add something to the post/video of Exodus in Sarahs ban appeal.
In this video ( you can see a spider hack. But thats not the first time he used this. I´ve got a video, too.
As everybody knows, SaMp isnt synced, so it will look for others that the cheater is falling down a little bit and teleports himself to previous position.
Just look at this:

Maybe it´s a lag, but maybe not   :)
there %10 lag
Its sarah not sarahs = headshot?

astron your face lol ?

any admin reply?
Unban Requests / Re: Sarah's Ban appeal
September 10, 2015, 08:51:57 AM
Stone you have permission banned me for no reason , or no hack?
So there players watched me zero / slimetime ask him
That abuse\

i'm earlier not lie

Phone since 1899 you didn't want do sc u know possible
All kidding for ban me?
I can do sc  secs 17.150

Slimetime / zero hack too?

i was joke say ill give u my money, nothing
Unban Requests / Sarah's Ban appeal
September 10, 2015, 08:41:06 AM
In-game username:Sarah

Time/date of ban:today

Admin who banned you:Stone

Reason for your ban:Hacks

Do you admit that you used cheats?:No

What is name map HackedMap Lose_yourself

Why should you be unbanned:stone ask slimetime / zero i didn't  use so try do sc  no problem?
Other information:No need
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 08, 2015, 05:28:50 PM
so ill reply no more , spy so u thought hack or no , No without  greed/hate/cry

you kidding for how to become admin
also i didn't see maggi hack or no
all friends not you kid
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 05, 2015, 01:38:12 PM
Quote from: RolliN on September 05, 2015, 04:38:46 AM
Quote from: Maggi on September 05, 2015, 04:15:49 AM
Quote from: RolliN on September 05, 2015, 03:15:08 AM
I couldn't understand a single word of your speech, anyway from both video (especially the first one) it's clear that you hacked, it's impossible gain speed in mid air unless you use hacks, in the second video, connection and PC influence the gameplay up to a certain point so i'm perplexed about the question. About HH question, it's strange that she/he doesn't loss HP in jumps, cause every jump even the smallest remove always a bit of car's HP.
hello brainy,when these videos were recorded there was no hp life bar that means it wont show on life bar
Hello, i was talking about screenshots not videos,  if you're too dumb to notice that she/he hacked almost in both videos it's not my fault, and there are 3 reason why you are stupid, let's explain:
1) Why she/he has only 5 HP in the screen? HOW she/he could lose Health when if you get out from the car your round ends?
2) If you take a look on the chat , WeedO has nC tag, he changed it only today so the screen has been taken today when HP system was already on the GameMode.
3) On first screen there is a jump, it's quite impossible survive without lose all HP, same story on second and third jump.
Nice try mate, greetings from Brainy :D
i Explained  jumped luck so? , you take action to admin?
There admins please reply
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 05, 2015, 04:14:30 AM
nvm use , admin reply
idk that lucker i didn't use
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 05, 2015, 02:28:31 AM
Astron spy too hacking flyhack? /t5 in game please don't take action kid stupids
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 05, 2015, 01:56:37 AM
look names Makcless , Rosberg Weedo , Mastrobuch , Grenzo watched  me  reply here
Maggi watched tts 1
any more lie ofcye is office
Astron is astronaut  i didn't see hack in videos
long time i didn't see report screenshots godmode idk airbrke

spy Nice you kid? u thought i'm hack i showed  SC in map healing?
Damn Why kidsstupidsscrapyard  where go all follow me
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 05, 2015, 01:52:44 AM
Quote from: asTroN on September 04, 2015, 07:14:06 PM

The player flew a little bit forward to get the jump. :)
i am sure you hates me , that look in video i pressed up
Quote from: asTroN on September 04, 2015, 11:54:04 PM
So here is the next proof.
Map: Downfall II. At this part you can't fly instandly up like Sarah (in Samp/on this server). I tested it several times, I crashed every time against the wall.
Uh-mm , i can't control fly 

Quote from: ofcy on September 05, 2015, 12:39:50 AM

As you can see in the screen shots she is doing parts of the map dropping onto platforms and losing no HP :D health hacks at it's finest, this isn't the first time i saw this person hack so i thought fuck it, typed /dl and took some pics, you can clearly see this is hacks, if you drive the map with /dl on yourself you will see you should lose hp at those parts, and then admitting to HH.
ofcye no more screens best lie you man